Union Station Fire Part 3

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20 Minutes Later when the medical team arrives on scene:
Matt's POV: As I see the team of doctors from Gaffney Medical arrive on scene, I look at them and then nodded. "Where do you want us to set up Chief Casey?" I then went to look around. "There's a parking garage over there that can protect you from the elements but still has a way for the air to circulate. With COVID, I know that's necessary." He agreed and smiled when I said that. That's when I looked at Dr. Manning and sighed. "Dr. Manning, before you come onto my site can you please go to the ambulance and ask for a new mask. Your strap is broken."

NOTE TO READERS: Effectively immediately, Herrmann is going to be spelled Hermann. It's complicated to always remember the double R. Please understand.

She nodded when I said that. "Thanks Matt." I agreed and nodded when I saw that Maggie came. "I knew you would need a nurse too." I laughed and agreed. "Thanks. Listen, I can't talk...I am working right now." That's when I Hermann started to speak to me. "Engine 511 to Chief." I then went to respond to him. "Go ahead Hermann." Hermann then continued to speak to me. "We are currently experiencing difficulties with connecting to Truck 811. They are too far for a hose to reach." I then sighed when he said that. "Casey to Kidd...can you send one of your guys out to move your truck and connect to Engine 511?" 

Stella then proceeded to reply to me. "We are on our way out Chief. Train tracks are cleared and all trains are out of the building." I agreed with her when she said that. "Bring your team out and then come move your truck. Firehouse 51, please evacuate tracks. Prepare aerial and hoses to put out the fire there first. Nobody is to enter the tracks effective immediately." Everybody then agreed with me when I said that. Severide then spoke to me. "Squad exiting Bus Terminal Chief. Cleared of all buses and nobody is there. Fire is minimal." I agreed with him. "Engine 513, please go to Bus Terminal and put it out with connection there." They agreed with me when I said that. I then proceed to get Engine 512 to work.

"Attention all members of Shift 2, you are to connect your vehicles to other vehicles and then you are to assist wherever there is the most need." They all agreed. "Understood Chief."  I then turned to look at Ethan and smiled. "Ethan, you are going to work now. Just stay out of the way and this should be everybody. I will get my trucks to help you set up beds and stuff wherever you need to whenever you want." Ethan agreed and nodded. "If you close Jefferson and Clinton, we can set up over there." I agreed and nodded. "Chief Casey to Det. Dawson" Antonio then spoke to me. "What's up Casey?" I then went to take a break. "Can you close off Jefferson and Clinton permanently for a while? we are setting up a field hospital there."

He agreed with me. "Of course. By the way, you are doing great." I laughed when he said that and agreed with him. Grissom then agreed with him. "You really are Chief Casey. You wouldn't believe this was your first day." I laughed when he said that and agreed. "Good enough to give us a little break after the fire? I can take my guys off for an hour?" He agreed with me when I said that. "Oh, you deserve it. I will give you a break right when we are done. You can rest for a while and when everybody's eaten and showered...you can get back online." I smiled and liked the sound of that. "I am not making my officers to reports. This is too big." He agreed with me.

That's when I went back to working the fire when I saw that there were people on the roof. "Hey Grissom, do you see people on the roof too?" Grissom then turned to look up and agreed with me. "Yes, I do." I nodded when he said that. "Truck 811 or 812, please raise aerial and go check what's happening on the roof." Hermann then spoke to me. "Truck 811 has it Chief." I agreed and nodded when he said that. "Understood. Call for reinforcements if required.' Hermann understood and agreed when I said that, proceeding to climb the aerial himself to go see what was happening on the roof.

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