Chapter 188

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Matt's POV: After spending the morning working on OFI cases, I was now on my lunch break. Heck, I didn't even have a set time limit on my lunch breaks. All I knew is that we were going to go out for a bit. We needed to get out of the house at least once a day and I hoped that (maybe) the park down the street was open so that we can get Louie to run a bit. Looking at Gabby as she stood in the kitchen while making us lunch, I went to walk over to her. "I could've done that for you babe." Gabby then turned to look at me when I said that and shook her head. "You work on taking care of us financially, I can take care of you when it comes to food." I smiled at her when she said that before stepping close to her. Wrapping her arms around me, Gabby just smiled.

I then went to push a strand of hair behind her ear so that I could look into her eyes. "I swear, you never cease to amaze me babe. You are so strong and so courageous. How do you do it all without getting overwhelmed?" Gabby looked at me, seeming confused when I said that. "Okay, you are going to have to me more specific when you are saying that because I'm lost." I laughed when she said that and smiled at her. "I are take of pretty much our family while I am working. I have no clue how you do it." Gabby then understood what I meant and just smiled at me. "It's called doing my part. You are doing your part, I am doing mine. That's how we are going to get through life together with our 4 kids." I smiled when she said that and nodded, kissing her.

Gabby smiled when I did that before going to kiss my neck softly as we held each other close. "Can you do me a favor and get a salad ready? I want to start eating salads more." I nodded and agreed with her before walking over to the fridge. That's when I got a text from Jay Halstead. 'Hey, you think we could talk sometime? I want to compare notes on pandemic pregnancies.' I laughed when Jay said that and then turned to look at Gabby. "Mind if I ask someone to join us at the park today?" Gabby then looked at me when I said that. "Depends who it is." I then smiled at her. "Jay and Erin. They are expecting. He wants to compare notes on pandemic pregnancies." Gabby then smiled when I said that. "Right, I forgot they were pregnant...we should talk more."

I nodded and smiled when she said that. "Glad we are on the same page. So I am going to invite him to the park." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Sure, you guys can talk while you push Louie in the swing. Meanwhile, I can talk to Erin while sitting on a bench." I then bit my lip when she said that. "Promise me that you guys aren't going to sit too close okay? I get they are going to be safe because they are pregnant with their first child but...he might still be working. I would rather not take the chances okay Gabby?" Gabby nodded when I said that. "Text Antonio and see what he's doing...not him, I mean Jay. Ask him whether he's working from home or if he's working at the district." I then thought about that and nodded as I went to text Antonio.

'Hey, I have a question about Jay and Erin...they asked us to hang out at a park. But, I don't want too if they are working at the district. Are they working at the district?' I then went to put my phone down so that I could look in the fridge. "What are we making for Louie just curious. I am still adjusting to the whole having to make 2 different meals. So, I am sorry about that." Gabby nodded and understood what I meant. "Honestly, I like having these adult meals but...I would be fine just having the same stuff as Louie." Going to grab some cheese and bread (I was going to make Louie a grilled cheese), I just laughed. "Yeah, that isn't happening considering you are eating for 4 remember?" Gabby then put her hand on her stomach and smiled at me.

Walking up to her, I went to do the same because I wanted to try and see if I felt them moving. That's when I felt a bit of movement and just smiled at Gabby. "They're moving aren't they?" Gabby smiled when I said that before stepping close to me and wrapping her arm around my back. Looking up at me, she went to kiss me softly. "Yes and that means that we are getting closer to meeting these 3 by the minute." I smiled when she said that before leaning her forehead against hers. That's when I got a text from Antonio. 'No, Jay and Erin are working from home since they learned that they were expecting. Hank said to work from home right away.'

I then went to text him again. 'Okay, we are meeting up at a park. They are the only other pregnant couple that we know so...that's what we're going to do. Oh and I am probably going to stop work for a bit. Once you get the info can you let me know? I will continue when you have it.' Keeping my phone out, I waited for Antonio to text me back because I knew it wouldn't take long. 'Okay, I will try and get it to you as slow as possible.' I laughed when he said that and just sent him one last text. 'Thx Antonio. ♥' Gabby then looked at the text I just send. "Did you just send my brother a heart emoji that is reserved for me?" 

Turning to look at her, I bit my lip and nodded. "Sorry, it must've been a mistake." I then went to kiss her cheek and smiled at her. "Listen, let me help you make us some lunch. Then, we can get out of here. I want to get Louie tired." Gabby nodded when I said that. "You going to run after him in the snow." I smiled when she asked me that. "I am not." Gabby then laughed when I said that and agreed with me, ready to watch me do that because it was probably going to be cute.

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