Union Station Fire Part 4

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Severide's POV:
When Matt asked Hermann to go check the roof, I decided to join him just in case. I had this feeling in my gut that they were going to need squad on the roof and boy was I glad that I came up here. You see, I just knew that there was way too much smoke coming out of the train station for it just to be a fire inside. That's when I saw what it was. A plane crashed on the roof of Union Station and was now on fire. "Hey Chief, it's Severide." Matt then spoke to me. "What's up Severide?" I then sighed. "We have another victim up here on the roof."

Matt got concerned when I said that. "What do you mean Severide?" I then went to tell him what was happening. "The smoke must've blinded a pilot. There's a small plane crashed up here. I see at least 2 victims and possibly a third. Not sure where he is. But there is a fire in the engine." He agreed when I said that. "Can we raise the aerial and get it or do you need hoses?" I then thought about it. "We're going to need hoses. You can ask Cruz to do it if you don't feel comfortable doing it." That's when Stella spoke over radio. "I got it Chief, on my way up."

I smiled when she said that because that was my girl. She was fearless and honestly, that was pretty damn sexy. "Can you also send a paramedic up here? Or even Dr. Choi. And a basket or air ambulance." Chief Walker then spoke to me. "Lieutenant Severide, I am going to get an air ambulance up there for you. Is there a place for a Helicopter to land on the roof?" I turned around and agreed. "Yes there is Chief. I will make sure to keep my crew as far away. Please land on east side of station near water. Squad 3 to Gaffney Medical Center."

Gaffney then spoke to me. "Go ahead Squad 3." I then sighed. "Patient en route via air ambulance. Crashed plane on roof. Arrival in 10-15 minutes at most." They agreed when I said that however Matt wasn't happy. "Lt. Severide, you are not to do that again. Is that understood?" I knew I was in shit and sighed, I agreed and knew that this was to be expected. I just have to take it though considering he was not my friend right now, he was my boss. Getting to work 

That's when I heard both Dr. Choi and Matt come onto the roof together. Walking over to me, Matt just glared at me and shook his head. "Lt. Severide, please go downstairs. Are you relieved of your command effective immediately." Turning to look at him, I was shocked. "Please go sit in my vehicle. We are going to talk on the way back to the house." I sighed and agreed with him, knowing that I did encroach into his authority over the scene. After all, he was Chief...not me. I just hoped that the punishment he was going to give me when we got back to the house wasn't that bad.

Matt's POV:
After taking over from Severide, I took a few breaths because I needed to control the scene right now. However, I was not happy that he overstepped his authority and encroached on my authority. It was my job to control the scene and take command. This was going to make my job difficult but, I am going to have to punish him when we are at the house. Then again, I already told him that I was going to have to put the job first...he was my employee right now, not my friend. I wanted the Commissioner to see me as this tough guy.

That's when I decided to get his truck off scene and send him back to the house. "Lt. Severide report." Severide then spoke to me. "Go ahead Chief." I then went to speak to him one last time. "Pack up Squad 31 and return to quarters. You are hereby dismissed from the scene." He seemed shocked by that. "What?" I then went to speak to Grissom. "Grissom, please get him to leave the scene. I will see you in my office when I am back with the rest of the house." I knew Severide was not happy and just walked over to the helicopter where Sylvie just joined Dr. Choi.

"Chief, I am going to go in the air ambulance with Dr. Choi okay?" I nodded and agreed before going to call Foster. "Chief to Foster." Foster then replied to me. "Go ahead Chief." I then sighed. "Please take a couple patients with low priority and bring them to Chicago Med. Your PIC will be taking the air ambulance with Dr. Choi. Return to quarters afterwards. Kannell, you are Senior Squad Lieutenant for the rest of shift understood?" He agreed with me. "Understood Chief." I then sighed and prepared to go help out before I had to speak with Severide at the house.

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