Chapter 209

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Jay's POV: After making our way to Severide's office, I smiled as I saw Erin take off her shirt while going to grab a sweater. Looking at my girl's body, I couldn't help but want to touch her a bit. Walking up behind her, I went to put my hands on her stomach and smiled as I went to kiss her shoulder softly. "Did I ever tell you that I think you are incredibly sexy even when you are pregnant." Turning around in my arms, Erin went to wrap her arms around my head and smiled as she stepped close to me. Kissing her softly, I just smiled as we held each other close.

Erin then pulled away and looked at me. "Sucks we are stuck here in the firehouse tonight. Had we been at home, I might have let you get closer to me in bed." I smiled when she said that and then went to grab her neck. "Promise me that we can call rain check on this? Maybe we can go to the cabin for a few days. I want to show you the place because you are going to be going there a lot when our little one here is born." Putting my hand on her stomach, I smiled while holding Erin close to me. "I want to create memories with you both here. Some I did with my dad."

Wrapping my arms around her, I watched as Erin rubbed my back and nodded. "That sounds perfect. By the way, I don't think I've asked you this yet...boy or girl?" I then smiled at the thought before going to kiss her softly. "I want a boy. Sorry but...I want to name him after one of my idols in the army. I want a son named Robert or Robbie." Erin smiled when I said that. "Why exactly?" I then went to kiss her forehead. "After the general who was in charge of the raid in 2011 which killed Osama bin Laden." Erin then looked at me. "Sorry but, I have to veto that."

I then looked at her. "I am not naming our hypothetical son after the general who killed the most dangerous terrorist in the world. Sorry, but now that you said it...that's all I am going to think about. But I have a name too. Jayson. But with a Y. So your name plus son." I smiled when she said that. "So, like Jay's son. I like that idea." Erin smiled when I said that and nodded as she went to kiss me softly. "You know that I am crazy for you right?" I smiled and agreed with her before looking at the bed. "You going to lay down? I would love to just hold you for a while."

Erin smiled when I said that before going to lay down on Severide's bed. Going to join her, I then went to wrap my arm around her and then felt her cuddle up to me. Putting my hand on her baby bump, I smiled while going to kiss her forehead and then went to grab my hand. That's when I heard my phone ring and went to check who it was. I groaned when I saw it was Voight. "Halstead." Voight then spoke to me. "Relax Jay, I am calling on a personal matter. How is Erin? I know she's there at the firehouse with you even though I hate the idea."

I then went to look at Erin and realized something. "She's great Hank and safe. By the way babe, where's your sweater you said you were going to put on?" Erin then bit her lip and looked around for it. "I forgot it I think." I nodded and agreed with her. "What are you doing?" I then smiled at her. "I would rather my girl cover up her body which is all mine instead of showing off to the firefighters here." Erin nodded and smiled when I said that. Going to take off my shirt, I went to give it to her. "Only until I have to work again." Erin nodded and smiled.

Going to get back on the bed, I moved to cuddle up to Erin again before wrapping my arm around her once she had my shirt on

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Going to get back on the bed, I moved to cuddle up to Erin again before wrapping my arm around her once she had my shirt on. Kissing her forehead softly, I smiled while putting my hand on her leg and then went to grab her hand and intertwined our fingers. Kissing her engagement ring, I smiled as we took a little bit of time alone to rest and recharge before we had to continue shift. Hank then spoke to us. "So, how is the idea for the field dispatch working? You like it?"

I agreed when he said that. "Honestly, I love it. I think this is what we should do whenever there is a big storm here in Chicago. Keeps the public safe." Hank agreed with me. "I think we are going to talk about it, the CPD leadership I mean...not intelligence." I nodded and understood. "Of course Hank. Just make sure that we are always somewhere safe. I like being here because there are a lot of people here that I trust to be safe when it comes to COVID." Hank agreed.

"You are thinking about the pregnancy aren't you Jay?" I sighed when he asked me that. "Not just that but, I am thinking about the health and wellness of my fiancé. I would like to marry her someday. Whether it be before or after the baby is born...I don't care." Erin then looked at me. "Oh, we are doing it after the baby is born. Sorry but...I am not getting married when I am huge. We haven't even started planning so...we can wait until after the pandemic and the baby's born."

That's when I remembered something. "Hey babe, I need to go do something okay?" Erin then looked at me. "But we just got comfortable on break." I then went to reach for my shirt and she went to give it to me. "Thanks babe. I promise, I just need to talk to my brother quick." Erin nodded and agreed with me. Going to put my shirt on, I smiled because I just remembered that I had to ask my brother to be my best man. I mean, if I didn't ask him already. I forget.

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