Chicago Med Crossover Part 2

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Matt's POV: After being led away to another room, I smiled as we walked in. Going to turn my radio down, I looked at Gabby and knew she was going to need some help. I then went to grab her shirt and smiled while going to undo it. "Thank god I wore a sports bra today." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "Yeah. Didn't expect to get an ultrasound done. This going to be our OB/GYN appointment?" That's when we heard our OB/GYN come down, Dr. Hannah Asher. "I am sure that we can work something out. Why you guys here by chance?"

I then sighed. "My niece was in a fire. Though we'd get an update on the babies. Triplets of course." Dr. Asher agreed when I said that. "Well listen, how about you sit up and I can see how your triplets are doing. Two boys and a girl right?" We both smiled when she said that. "God, please don't let that change...I just bought a couple cans of pink paint. Well, pre-ordered them. First, we need to find a home." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. That's when I remembered something. "Okay listen, I want to just update you."

She then turned to look at me, concerned. "We were recently on our honeymoon in the Bahamas. And let's just say that it wasn't the best idea heat wise. At the time, we thought it was only twins but...Gabby had problems with the heat, I think it might've even been heat stroke. I was out surfing alone and she was in the hotel suite. I came back and she was passed out. I know that's not something big but..." She nodded and agreed with me. "I understand what you are trying to say." That's when I got a text from Chief. 'You okay? Want the day?'

I then went to check it and bit lip lip. 'No, I'll be back soon. Gabby's here and we are just getting an ultrasound done. That okay?'  Chief then texted me back. 'Of course, see you when you're back.' I then agreed and went to put my phone away. "Sorry, just Chief Boden checking on me. I let him know we are getting an ultrasound." Gabby smiled when I said that. That's when we heard the heartbeats again and it was loud. "Is it always this loud when it's triplets?" Dr. Asher then looked at us and nodded. "There are three heartbeats after all."

I smiled when she said that and nodded. "That's good. That means we are still expecting triplets." Dr. Asher then turned to  look at Gabby as she went to show us the babies. "Now, I can already tell that you are more dehydrated than normal because there is a low amount of amniotic fluid. Maybe you should drink more water." Gabby nodded and agreed with her. "Believe me, I am trying to drink a galon of water per day. Should it be more than that?" Dr. Asher looked at her. "I would say that's okay but, just play it by ear."

We both agreed when she said that. "Okay, now here's baby girl." I then smiled when she said that. "God, she is already adorable." Gabby put her hand on my cheek and smiled. "And you are already going to be wrapped around her finger the minute she's born." Dr. Asher then looked at us. "Now, when are you giving birth? Have you thought about that." Gabby then bit her lip. "I was thinking around 32 weeks right? We are what 8 weeks right now?" Dr. Asher nodded. "Yes." Dr. Asher then went to check. "Oh here we go, baby boy here is waving."

I smiled when she said that. "It does look like he's waving doesn't it?" We all nodded and smiled at the fact. "How many pictures you want?" I then looked at Gabby. "I want 2 copies at least. I want to put some in my office at the firehouse and then some at home. We can get 2 for sure. But, you might want a third to carry in your purse." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Can we have 5 actually? Firehouse, 1 for us...1 for Antonio, my mom and then your mom." I nodded and agreed with her. "That works." Dr. Asher smiled when we said that, printing the copies.

"Now, do you want to make a new appointment for 2 weeks or 3 weeks?" Gabby then bit her lip. "Can we do it biweekly? I know it's a lot but...these are our only kids and this was not expected. I am just worried. First time parents to biological children. And with my age..." She nodded and understood. "Agreed. Now, I want to say this though...with you being 8 weeks, I want you to take it easy. And since it's triplets...I would say at 20 weeks you go on bedrest." We all agreed when she said that. "And you give birth at 32 weeks." We smiled when she said that.

"That means we have to move quickly. That's only 3 months to find a new place and move." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Maybe we can ask Chief if we can look at places while we are at work." I nodded and agreed with her. "Of course. Now listen, let's get you cleaned up...get you dressed and then we can go check on Violet one more time before we get out of here." Gabby nodded and agreed with me as we got ready to go see Violet one last time before heading back to the firehouse.

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