Chapter 232

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Antonio's POV: Once me and Matt took a few breaths, I went to sit on one of the beds there while Matt did the same. Looking at each other, we knew that this conversation was going to be hard on the both of us. "First, I want to say that I am sorry okay? I know what I said was wrong?" Matt then looked at me and nodded. "Antonio, it wasn't just was insulting. And not just to me. It was insulting to your sister. Think about the optics. You basically called your sister a prostitute." I then looked at him. "Okay, I did no such thi..." Matt then looked at me. "You accused me of sleeping with your sister instead of being paid. That means, I get sex and she gets paid by me building the bar for her. Yeah, does that not sound like prostitution?"

I then thought about it and nodded. "Holy shit, that does sound like prostitution." Matt nodded when I said that. "So first of all, that was one of the reasons I was insulted. You called my wife a prostitute. Second, you called me a man who cheated on his fiancé. I never once tried to touch, kiss or sleep with Gabby while I was engaged to Hallie. We were together for almost as long as me and Gabby have been together now and we went through a lot together. I helped her get through University and Med School. Meanwhile, she supported me all through the Fire Academy. We were each other's biggest supporters and we were all we had in the world."

I sighed when he said that because I kept forgetting that he was alone in the world other than Gabby and Louie. "I get that now, I am so sorry Matt." Matt nodded when I said that. "And I am sorry for getting all up in your face with my sister. I know that it's not my place to tell you who you can and can't date but...I just didn't want that for her. Her last marriage was horrible and that is not the type of guy I want for my sister. You understand because that is not the type of guy you want for Gabby. I am not this guy Antonio, you know know who I am. I am not this horrible man who hurts people when they get insulted...I am someone who tries to do it calmly because that is how we are trained to do it as first responders."

I nodded when he said that. "Do you mind me asking why exactly you didn't do it tonight?" Matt sighed and looked at me. "Because you pushed two very sensitive topics for me. You insulted my late fiancé and you insulted my wife. Let's put it this way...Let's say Sylvie was the one building you a bar and you said that you paid her by sleeping with her. I know you aren't together but..." I agreed with him. "Oh, I would act the same way that you acted. Honestly man, I see how wrong it was now." Matt nodded when I said that. "And Antonio, that was just wrong. And it was insulting because by saying that you also insulted your sister. You implied that she paid me that way. Antonio, just never do it again and we are agreed. Oh and you are paying my bail."

I then laughed when he said that. "Oh, you think I'm staying here tonight? Voight is coming to get me soon. He always does it." I then turned to look at him when I saw Voight. "Voight, you let him out and I am telling Erin that you are planning to pass her over as your replacement. I already know that Antonio is getting it after you. He said as much." I then turned to look at him. "Hey, that was confidential!" Matt then smirked at me. "Voight, I am stuck in jail because Gabby refuses to come pay my bail. She said to stay here because I needed to be punished. You bail him have to talk to my wife for me to let me back in bed. You really want to do that tonight?" Voight then shook his head. "Nope. Can I get you boys anything?"

Matt nodded. "Get us some comfortable pillows and blankets and we will be good. That is a fair shake. Oh and in return, I wont tell your boss that you were about to bail Antonio out for free." Voight nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "I will be right back when I get that for you guys." I then turned to look at him. "You seriously want to stay here tonight?" I looked at him when I said that. "One morning without being woken up at 6:30 am by 'daddy can I get in bed with you and mama?' Yes please...oh and you do not tell Gabby I said that. Promise me that what is said here in the cell stays in the cell." I laughed and agreed with him. "Agreed."

Matt smiled when I said that when Voight came back with pillows and blankets. "Here, stay warm boys and I will be back in the morning with some coffee before Gabby comes. How does that sound?" Matt nodded and smiled. "Keep this going Voight. You are getting in my good books again. We have to work together since I am Battalion Chief now." Voight smiled and agreed. "I am going to stay here overnight okay? Just call me if you need anything boys." I nodded and smiled when he said that. "Thanks Voight." Getting comfortable on the bed, Matt then turned to look at me. "You do not wake me until he gets here. And put your phone on silent. I am leaving mine on in case Gabby needs me because something happened." 

I nodded and agreed with him. "Goodnight Matt and I'm sorry." Matt nodded and agreed with me. "Don't press charges and we are even." I laughed when said that and smiled. "Same deal for you. Night man." Matt agreed. "Night Antonio." We then both rolled over and got comfortable, falling asleep in the holding cell for the night.

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