Chapter 226

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Matt's POV: After taking a shower with Gabby, I smiled as I went to get dressed. While I did think I looked sharp compared to what I normally wore when I was in dad mode around the house...nobody looked as sharp and incredibly sexy as my wife. Looking at Gabby as she stood in the washroom, I saw her wearing the same tight dress she was wearing at the funeral. And boy was this dress a turn just hugged her bump in all the right places. Why in the world did she have to do this to me? She must know that this is going to make me want her again tonight.

"If you wear this, you must be expecting us to leave early tonight right?" Gabby then laughed as she looked at me in the mirror. "Nice try, you are not getting anything tonight. You already had you promotion celebration. Plus, I am going to be too tired if you ask me to go for a second round. You already had it. Plus, it's starting to get too hard on me Matt. You have no idea how much it pains me to say this but..." I then went to stop her before turning her around. "Hey, look at me babe." Turning around in my arms, Gabby got close to me.

I then went to move my hand to her bump and just looked at her. "Listen, my main job during the pregnancy is make sure that you are safe, comfortable and that you feel the best you possibly can. Gabby, I love you because of who you are. If you want to stop having sex for the rest of the pregnant...will it be hard? Of course, because I love my wife. But will I do it...of course I will. At the end of the day, I need to respect your wishes and I need to make sure that you feel comfortable. We both know it's getting harder for you to stand."

Gabby then looked at me when I said that and rubbed her stomach. "Speaking of that, are you going to have to give up your office when you become chief?" I shook my head. "Yes, but I took a tour during my quick meeting with Grissom. I finally found out what that door in Chief's office leads to." Gabby looked at me when I said that. "What is it?" Grabbing my phone, I went to open a picture I took of the secret firehouse bedroom I just learned about. "Apparently, this is where Boden went to whenever he went to sleep."

Opening the picture I took, I went to show it to Gabby. "There's literally a private quarters through a secret door in my office. It has a queen-size bed, a closet and a private bathroom with a shower." Gabby then looked at the picture and smiled when she saw that. "Looks like we know where we are going to set up a second set of cribs." I then thought about that and smiled. "Heck, we can live there whenever I need to work. They told me I might need to work longer hours." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Listen, can we talk about this later?"

I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, we should get going to Molly's. A nice date night before a weekend alone. Want to maybe ask your mom to keep him longer or would you rather he come back?" Gabby then looked at me and sighed. "That's the thing I am not sure about. I mean yes, we need time as husband and wife but...shouldn't we be with Louie? He doesn't know his grandmother that much yet." I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her forehead. Gabby sighed when I said that. "Tomorrow, she is going to bring him here ASAP. I want family time all day."

I nodded and agreed with her. "And that is exactly what you are going to get. I promise." Gabby smiled when I said that before going to kiss me softly. "Listen, let's get going okay? We are going out with our friends right now. We are going to celebrate you tonight...only 1 beer though and not a big glass." I nodded and agreed with her as I went to grab her hand, ready to go out with our friends so that we could celebrate my promotion to Battalion Chief.

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