Chapter 129

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Matt's POV: After making our way into the bedroom and getting undressed, I smiled when I saw Gabby wearing a nightie in bed. "You going to be wearing a bathrobe for the rest of the day?" Gabby nodded as she looked at me. "Yeah, I am tired of wearing tight clothes." I agreed with her when she said that. "Thank god we already packed up all of your pants. Now, you can just wear your nice, loose dresses that we both like so much." Going to set my pants down at the end of the bed, I smiled at her as I went to join her in bed. Opening the covers, I smiled at her.

I then went to climb in on top of her and went to bend down, kissing her softly while I wrapped my arm around her head and put my arm down on the bed. I didn't want to squish her baby bump and I especially didn't want to hurt her. I would feel so guilty if that happened because I love Gabby. That's when I pulled away and looked at Gabby. "I've been meaning to ask you this are you feeling after passing out last week on our honeymoon? I mean, that was the real reason we went to the hospital and found out it was triplets in the first place."

I nodded and understood what she meant. I then decided to play with her hair a bit and just went to kiss her softly again. "I am so happy about that by the way. And honestly, those names we picked are the best. I am just glad that one of the triplets are a girl. That way, we don't have to try for another baby. Sorry but...I was going to get my little girl somehow." Gabby laughed when I said that and nodded. "Yeah, how exactly? You do realize that you should book your surgery while we're here." I then thought about it and nodded. "How long are we staying?"

Gabby then sighed when I said that. "Are we willing to pay another month's worth of rent? Because Severide isn't just going to take over the lease and then let us stay longer than we first said." I then smiled at her. "Gabby, he is my best friend. We took him in when he needed us...he can return the favor and let us stay here as long as we need to stay. Heck, if you get scared to travel back, we can stay here and just go back when the kids are born. Whatever you want Gabby. As long as you and the triplets are safe, that's all that matters to me."

That's when I decided to move over a bit so I wasn't directly on top of her baby bump. I didn't want to fall just in case and hit her stomach, then who knows what would happen. Gabby just smiled when I did that. "I guess you are a little scared to be hovering about my baby bump?" I nodded when she said that. "Matt, hover over me again. I like it when you do that." I then nodded and did as I was told. Looking down into her eyes, I smiled at her. "How you feeling today? I don't think I've seen you go get sick in the washroom at all today."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "That's because I haven't. I am feeling much better after you got those meds. So, thanks so much for doing that." I smiled and just looked at her. "I am glad. You know that it pains me to watch you get sick right?" Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me. "Of course I know that Matt. I feel the same way when you are sick." I sighed when she said that and just leaned down to kiss her again. "It's harder for me though." I then rolled over onto my side and just looked at her. Rolling over, Gabby looked confused.

Looking at her as I moved close to her, I then went to grab her hand. "Gabby, you being pregnant isn't supposed to make you sick. That's the part I hate the most. You think I like watching you get sick in the morning? I mean, I get that it comes with pregnancy but...I hate it. It pains me to watch you get sick even though you are pregnant. Does that make sense?" Gabby nodded and smiled at me. Moving close to me, she wrapped her arm around me and just cuddled up to me.

Wrapping my arm around her back, I smiled at her. "Matt, I know what you mean. Every husband hates watching his wife being sick but...this is the price we have to pay to be pregnant." I nodded when she said that before feeling her but her hand on my cheek. "I just think it's so unfair. I mean, pregnancy  is supposed to be the best time in your life." Gabby nodded and agreed with me, knowing exactly what I meant. "It's supposed to be a celebration...well a time to celebrate new life. Why do you need to be sick most of the time?"

Gabby then went to run her hand down my chest and smiled. "You are very observant and very right when it comes to all these questions but...we don't need to think about it. Honestly, I am never going to complain that I am having morning sickness. Remember Matt, this pregnancy for me is a true blessing. This was not planned and it's what brought us together. I hate to say this but...I feel like it saved our marriage in a way." I then looked at her, shocked. "What?"

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