Chapter 113

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Matt's POV: After driving me and Gabby home, I smiled as we both got out of the car. Walking to the trunk, I went to grab the box of things I brought back from the firehouse. It was everything from my locker as well as my office. My favorite thing? The picture of Gabby as well as the sonogram (which I had framed even if it was just for a week). That's when I saw Gabby come to grab a few bags she had in there. "Groceries?" Gabby nodded when I said that. "And some packing paper and tape. You really think I am leaving our wedding china my abuela bought?" 

I look at Gabby when she said that and was a bit surprised. "Heck, I didn't even know we had wedding china." Gabby shrugged. "I have no clue. All I know is that we are not destroying it. It is really nice and our new anniversary dishes." I agreed and smiled at her when she said that. "By the way, I wanted to let you know I talked to Sylvie. She said that she's going to keep us up to date with that virus from China they are talking about. She goes to Med on a regular basis." Gabby sighed when I said that. "Can we not think about that for a bit? Babe, I am pregnant."

I nodded and sighed while walking into the apartment together. "Gabby, I wish I could just said it, you're pregnant. I am not letting this get to you. If that means that we need to take extra precautions then we will." That's when I heard Antonio in our bedroom. "Matt, can you get your tools so that we can get your headboard off?" I sighed while turning to look at Gabby. "Can you deal with him? I am going to get this bag unpacked and put it in the wash. Then, I am going to take a shower. My last call was at 4 am." Gabby then looked at me and sighed. "Sorry."

I sighed when she said that. "Me too, now I am tired when I want to help pack. Maybe get some breakfast going? I didn't want to have to eat there. Second shift made breakfast." Gabby nodded and understood what I meant. Compared to what was my shift, second shifters made worse breakfasts of a daily basis. Walking away to the bedroom, I just looked at Antonio. "I am going to take a shower and then eat breakfast. Once that's done I will help you. My last call was at 4 am." Antonio then turned to look at me. "Okay man, I am sorry about that." I nodded, agreeing.

That's when I saw him get back to work. Just looking at him, I sighed. "Antonio!" He then looked at me again while I took off my coat. "Can you get out of here so I can get undressed?" Antonio then realized that. "Sorry man." He then got up and I went to give him my jacket. "Put this in the closet for me and then help Gabby with breakfast. She is still insisting on getting close to the stove. I said not happening when she pregnant with our triplets. She always stresses our because she can't work it correctly. So can you please help me out and..." Antonio nodded.

That's when I heard Gabby at the door. "You realize that you are talking loud enough for me to hear you in the kitchen right?" I then sighed while turning around to look at her. "Oh, just relax babe and sit on the couch. Be glad I convinced Severide to keep it. If not, I would've had to pack it already. Oh and Antonio, why are you taking our bed apart? That is the last thing we are taking apart." Gabby then looked at me. "I told him to just concentrate on the frames. I said nothing about our bed. It's a platform bed Antonio so please don't touch it." Antonio nodded.

Getting up, Antonio then smiled at me. "Gabby, I am going to let you guys be. I am sure that Matt here wants to take a nap. I will be back at lunch and we can work this afternoon?" Gabby nodded when he said that. "That sounds great. Are your kids coming to help us move?" Antonio shook his head. "They are working on getting the in-law suite at my place ready. I am moving down there when we get back. Then, you can have the upstairs Gabby." Gabby smiled when he said that. "Thanks Antonio." Gabby then went to hug him. "Now, can we be alone?"

Antonio nodded and laughed. "For the morning, yes." Going to shake my hand, Antonio smiled. "See you later man. Now, I'm going to the bedroom." Gabby nodded and smiled as he walked out. She then walked over to me and smiled. "When he's out...I am going to start the shower for us." I nodded and smirked when she said that, ready to take one with her. "See you in there." Smirking as she tugged her lips down to mine, Gabby kissed me quickly before going to let Antonio out of our apartment. Meanwhile, I went to put my firehouse bag on the bed and got undressed so that me and Gabby could get in the shower together.

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