Chapter 236

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Matt's POV: After taking a shower with Gabby, I saw her standing at the mirror in the washroom where she had her two latest ultrasounds. One when we still had triplets, the other with twins. Walking over to her, I went to wrap my arms around her and then went to kiss her shoulder softly. "Hey, I'm here for whatever you need." Gabby nodded when I said that before looking at me. "Matt, I don't want to blame you for this...I really don't but..." I then went to turn her around and nodded. "Hey, I understand. I got you really stressed yesterday and you can blame me."

Going to grab her neck, I looked at her and then sighed. "Gabby, I am here for you. Just remember that you are still pregnant with our twins?" Gabby then bit her lip. "Can we still call them the triplets? Matt, the baby we lost was that to was our son. We had a name picked out for him...we have his crib ready to build. I had visions of him in our arms." I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her forehead softly. "I understand Gabby'll just hurt you more if we say that. The hospital is going to say it's twins. People are going to say it."

Gabby sighed when I said that and nodded. "Matt, I need to tell you something else...I think I am going to want to try again in the future. I know that sounds crazy but...I want to replace the baby we lost. Does that sound wrong or selfish?" I shook my head when she said that. "Hey, of course not. But right now, we have Emily and Matthew Casey, Jr. here in your stomach. Sorry but, I am addicted to the name Matt, Jr. I am not letting that go." Gabby nodded when I Said that and smiled at me. "You can have your Matt, Jr. if we can try again someday." 

I smiled when she said that. "Then I better not get the surgery done." Gabby agreed with me when I said that. "You never got it done did you?" I then thought about it. "Shit, I did. I got it done right when we learned it was triplets. We didn't even think about it." Gabby sighed when I said that. "Then here's what we can do...we can adopt and guarantee us a baby girl. How does that sound?" Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "That sounds perfect. But listen, can we not think about this yet? Right now, we have twins. Keep the crib though okay?" 

I smiled and agreed with her before going to kiss her softly. "Did you already tell your brother or family?" Gabby then sighed when I said that and shook her head. "Then listen. Here's what we'll get changes into some of my sweats and go lay down in bed. I will go downstairs, make us something to eat for Brunch...we already worked off breakfast. And, I'll also call Antonio to tell him okay? I will tell everybody and ask them for the day. But, I still have to work. Are you okay with that?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "You can't miss your first day."

I smiled when she said that. "Hey but think about it this way...we are going to get everything we every wanted. 2 amazing biological children and 2 amazing foster/adoptive children. We'll get 2 girls and 2 boys. We can do it babe...I promise." Gabby smiled when I said that before going to kiss me softly. "Listen, just go make breakfast and then I will wait for you to call Antonio. He's probably going to be with your sister so we can tell them together." I nodded and agreed before kissing her forehead. "You are coming to all my shifts okay? You're my girl. I love you."

Gabby smiled when I said that before nodded as I went to grab her hand. Leading her out of the washroom, I smiled as we went to get dressed for the day. And even though we did get some sad news was still better than it could've been. We could've lost the entire pregnancy. But to still have twins is perfect. This way, I don't have to get a vasectomy reversal. Maybe I should've banked some of my sperm...wait, did I? Right, I didn't do it because it was triplets. Get that out of your head. Just concentrate on getting dressed and then some brunch.

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