March 23, 2020

52 1 0

Matt's POV: As I come downstairs after taking a shower, I smile when I see Louie sitting on the couch even though I didn't wake him up. "Hey Louie. What are you doing up this early?" Louie then turned to look at me. "Hungry." I nodded when he said that before going to get down in front of him. "Here, how about you give your dad a hug and then I can get you some cereal?" Louie then went to hug me and I just smiled while holding him close. "You sleep good last night?" He nodded and smiled when I said that.

"Well listen bud, daddy has to work today are going to spend time with mommy in our bed. How does that sound?" Louie was about to respond to that when I got a call on my phone. "Listen, I am going to get you some cereal. Come sit over here." I then went to pick him up and set him down in his chair. Looking at my phone, I saw it was Cruz and answered. "If you are calling to ask if I got yours and Severide's reports for any fires yesterday...I haven't even turned on my computer yet." Cruz laughed when I said that.

"Believe me, that is the last thing I am thinking about right now. I am calling because Chloe and me need to come over today. Our wedding is going ahead as planned." I was shocked when he said that. "Really? I am surprised. You sure that you don't want to postpone?" Cruz sighed when I said that. "Chloe has family coming in and the Visas were already hard to get because of how strict the current administration is. So, we have decided that it's better to go ahead so that we don't have to go through the process. It took 3 months."

I understood what he meant. Plus, weddings take time to plan. "Listen, I am going to have to get back to you. Cruz honestly...this is not really the best time. I have a son to feed and then I start work in maybe 30 minutes." Cruz was confused when I said that. "But shift was yesterday." I sighed when he said that. "Yeah, that means I need to look over all of your fire reports today. I am screening them to see which ones have to go to OFI and which ones are not suspicious." Cruz understood that and agreed. "Okay, so dress fitting?"

I sighed when he said that. "Listen, can this wait until Gabby wakes up? Man, I am barely awake...I start shift in 30 minutes, I have to eat and I need to feed Louie. Can you call me back later or I can call you when I have a minute to talk to Gabby?" That's when I heard Gabby come downstairs. "Talk to me about what?" Gabby then walked over to Louie and went to kiss his head. "Morning big man." She then walked over to me and smiled while wrapping her arm around me and kissing me softly. "Who's on the phone?"

I then smiled at her. "It's Cruz. Bridesmaid's dress fitting?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "I can meet him at the firehouse if he wants me to." I then looked at her when she said that and just gave her a 'are you serious?' look. "Babe, you're pregnant." Gabby then looked at me. "Then can they come here?" I sighed and looked at her. "And bring the virus here to you and Louie? Babe, I am not sure if that's a good idea. Maybe you should just sit this one out." I then went to get us some bagels and grabbed Gabby's prenatal vitamins for her.

"Here, take these." Gabby then went to grab them and took them. I then went to give her a glass of water but she just looked at me. "We are still going to be in the wedding. It's just the firehouse and their families. You have a really nice suit and I want you to wear it." Gabby then stepped close to me before wrapping her arms around me. "So that I can have some fun taking it off after the wedding." I smirked when she said that and kissed her softly. "God, I love you." Gabby smiled and nodded when I said that before hugging me.

Wrapping my arm around her back, I went to speak to Cruz again. "Listen, maybe you guys can drop by around lunch? That's right before we put Louie down for a nap and I am going to be on lunch break from OFI. Does that sound good for you guys?" I then went to kiss Gabby's head, wait for her to okay that. She nodded and smiled at me. "Listen, can you just bring me breakfast when it's ready? I am going to go sit on the couch." I nodded and agreed with her. "Sure thing, go ahead...I got it babe." Gabby nodded when I said that and went to sit down.

Going back to my conversation with Cruz, I smiled. "Was everybody safe overnight? And how was Gallo overnight? I haven't spoken to him in a while and I am still taking an interest with his progress at the firehouse. Oh and by the way, who is my replacement?" Cruz then laughed. "First, you do not have a replacement...Stella took command of your vehicle. Severide and Hermann are co-Acting Captains of Firehouse 51. But, there's rumors going around that Severide is going to be promoted after that save with the jumper." I smiled when he said that.

"Finally! We need two captains at the house to split up this work." Cruz agreed with me when I said that. "Severide, what took so long man?" Severide then spoke up. "Had to finish typing my stupid reports because apparently, he can't figure out what the pictures mean on his own." I then went to speak up. "Care to be more direct about your complaints Lieutenant?" Severide then groaned. "Seriously Cruz! You should've told me he was on the line before I said that." I then sighed. "Dude, just shut up and do me a solid. Plus, I wrote a letter to get you promoted."

Severide agreed with me when I said that. "Listen, I am not working right now. I am on dad and husband duty. However, I am going to call you later Severide to get more information on your reports so that I can classify it right....the faster I do that, the faster I can start prepping my room for painting." Gabby then looked at me when I said that. "Where are you painting?" I then turned to look at her and sighed. "I am painting under the nook where the cribs are going to go." Gabby shook her head when I said that. "You will do no such thing. Finish breakfast."

I then agreed and nodded, going back to my conversation with Severide. "Listen, I have to let you go man. We'll talk later okay?" Severide and Cruz both agreed with me when I said that.

Cruz: "I will call you before me and Chloe come over okay captain?" I agreed with him.
Severide: "You guys have a good day. Talk later man." I smiled and nodded.

Going to hang up the phone, I then turned to look at Gabby and smiled at her. "I am going to finish breakfast...take some breaths and don't freak out, we can talk after." Gabby nodded when I said that. Walking into the kitchen, I went to make breakfast for us before she got stressed.

Dawsey: Starting a Family Part 2Where stories live. Discover now