Chapter 128

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Matt's POV: Once everybody left our place, I smiled when it was just me, Gabby, Stella and Severide left. They were going to stay here tonight so that they could help us sort through everything we got. Not that I was complaining, I want as much time with my best friend before I moved down to the Bahamas with Gabby and Antonio. Looking at the stuff that the Herrmanns gave us, I laughed a bit. "Okay, be honest with me...does this look like it was used?" Gabby then turned to look at me and nodded. "Oh definitely. But, I think they gave it back to me because I looked at it while I was living there with Louie...I had my eyes on it and wanted it if we had a baby together. So, they probably remembered that." I nodded and agreed with her.

Severide then turned to look at me, obviously trying to talk to me about something but I had this feeling that he was too scared to say anything. "Cat's got your tongue Severide?" Severide then sighed and looked at me. "Dude, why didn't you tell me that you had a heart attack? I mean, I shouldn't be mad like your sister realize that I see you like my brother just as much as she does right? Hearing that freaked me out and really got me scared. Man, I don't want this to be the last time I see you." I then shook my head and grabbed his hand. "Believe me, it won't." Severide smiled when he said that. "Good, because we are going to take over 51 together someday. Heck, maybe we can be the first co-Chiefs of Firehouse 51." I smiled and nodded.

"That actually seems quite intriguing." Gabby then turned my head and looked at me. "Get it out of your head. You are never going back into fires." Gabby then went to kiss me softly and smiled at me. Looking at some of the gifts, we both smiled at them. "Wow, some of these gifts are just amazing. I really like what Boden gave us." We all agreed when she said that. That's when I saw there was a little attachment to it. It was some mini badges with my number on it. "Oh god, babe...look at this. It's mini fireman badges with my number on it." Gabby then went to look at it and smiled. "We can hang those up on the wall in each other the nurseries."

I nodded and agreed with her. "I think I am okay with doing that considering I am done being a firefighter. Remember what you always told me to do on shift?" Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "Keep your badge off the wall." I nodded and smiled at her. "And I never broke my promise. I kept my badge off the wall and it will stay off the wall until I die naturally in your arms." Gabby then looked at me when I said that. "Okay, can we maybe not think about that? Babe, I haven't even given birth to our kids yet and you are talking about that. Are you trying to make me worried? Or are you trying to make sure that I get overwhelmed?" I then sighed while looking at her. Kissing her softly, I held her close. "Sorry."

Stella then turned to look at Severide. "Just wait, they are going to go relax in bed once we are done this." Severide laughed and nodded. "And by relax, you mean have a bit of fun." I smiled when he said that and turned to look at Gabby. "I wouldn't be opposed if Gabby wanted me to kiss her slowly in bed for a while." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Grabbing my hand, she intertwined our fingers before laying her head down on my chest. "Same here." I smiled when she said that before going to kiss her forehead and just whispering to her. "Today was a great day though. Amazing baby shower, great time with friends and a whole lot of packing done." We all agreed and nodded. "You packing more tomorrow?"

Gabby then turned to look at me and bit her lip. "We did the big stuff. I think we are okay for now. We can take it slow. I think we just might relax tomorrow." I nodded and agreed with her. "I think you of all people should relax. Either that or you can go have a spa day with Stella. We have to do some stuff before I leave anyways." I then winked at him and smiled. Gabby just shook her head when I did that. "God, you are going to ruin it if you keep talking." I then looked at her and went to kiss her forehead softly. Severide then looked at me and wasn't happy.

I then sighed and looked at him. "Tomorrow, we are going to go out for a while. We need to talk about stuff at the I want you to watch over my guys and make sure that Hermann doesn't screw up stuff. Lunch tomorrow?" Severide looked at me and nodded, knowing that was really code. Gabby then looked at Stella. "Oh Stella, think you can do me a solid tomorrow?" Stella then nodded. "Name it pregnant sister." Gabby laughed when he said that. "Tomorrow we are giving each other mani-pedis. I need to get it done since I am going to be wearing sandals all the time in the Bahamas."

Stella laughed when Gabby said that and nodded. "You got it girl. But you sure that you don't want to head to a spa to do that?" Gabby then shook her head. "Nope. I like staying home more now. I struggle when it comes to going know being pregnant with triplets and everything." Stella nodded and agreed with me. "Honestly, I am not looking forward to having kids. Being pregnant is going to be the hardest part." I laughed when she said that. "I think that's a hint Severide." Severide nodded and agreed. "Better get married soon then." Stella then looked up at him. "What does getting married and having kids have anything to do with each other?" Severide then laughed. "Because my kids are going to have the same last name as their mother...that is not optional."

Stella then smiled. "I prefer that anyways. Time to change routine. Who says our kids have to have their last name come from their fathers, right Gabby?" Gabby then looked at her. "I have no comment on that. I am still old school on that, sorry girl." I smiled when she said that and nodded before bending down to kiss her softly, seeing she is tired. I then went to whisper to her. "You tired?" Gabby then sighed when I said that. "I am going to go rest in bed. Maybe we can get back together for supper." Stella then laughed when Gabby said that. "Gabby, I have seen you look at Matt for a while. We both know you are hormonal. Get in bed and have fun for a while."

I then turned to look at Gabby. "You heard the woman." Gabby laughed as she went to kiss me softly. "You guys are making supper tonight. We are not cooking because I am tired." Stella nodded and understood. "Of course girl, we got it. Now go relax in bed." She said the word 'relax' in air quotes because they both know what we were doing. "Thanks for giving my husband ideas Stella." I then laughed when she said that and grabbed Gabby's hand once we were both standing up. "Let's just go to bed and see what we do." Gabby nodded and agreed with me as we both made our way to our room.

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