Surprise Baby Shower Part 2

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Gabby's POV: When I saw Pete come in, I was completely shocked. I hadn't seen him in years and I was frankly quite excited to see him. Getting up from the couch, I smiled as I went to walk over to him. "Pete, how are you?" Hugging him quickly, I smiled. "Good, congratulations to you both by the way." I smiled when he said that. "It's actually triplets." Pete was seemingly shocked when I said that. "Wow, congratulations I guess. I mean, if that's what you guys want."

Matt then smiled and nodded. "Yeah, it is. How are you Pete?" Now, this was going to be awkward. My husband and ex-boyfriend shaking hands. Seeing Matt get up, I watched as the two of them shook hands...seemingly having respect for one another. But, I wasn't too sure to be honest if he was completely okay with this. I mean, he must've heard about me going to Puerto Rico and Matt not coming. I was still friends with him online and I posted it often.

"So, uhm...this is a bit awkward." Matt and Pete then both looked at each other. "Husband and ex-boyfriend." Pete then looked at me and shook his head. "Gabby, honestly...don't sweat it. I should've learned my lesson the minute we started dating. It was obvious that this guy here had feelings for you." Pete then gave us some gifts. "From North Carolina. I hope it's okay I crashed the baby was on Firehouse 51's Staff Facebook page." Me and Matt both nodded.

That's when Boden walked over and smiled at him. "I hope you and your mom are doing good?" Pete then looked at him and nodded, going to shake his hand. It was no secret that there was bad blood between the two gentlemen but, I hoped that they could but it aside during the baby shower. I didn't need stress and honestly...never did Matt. We are still packing. I then decided to head back to the couch and looked at the gift that Boden gave us. 

Going to look in, I smiled when I saw it was a couple firefighters baby outfits. "Oh my god, these are adorable." Boden then looked at me. "Look at the back." I was confused when he said that before seeing the names at the bottom. "Oh god, babe...look at this." Matt then looked at the gifts and smiled at the names. "A. Casey, E. Casey and M. Casey, Jr." Me and Matt then both looked at each other. "Okay, how did you guys find out the names?"

Antonio then went to blush and then tried to change the subject. "Okay, who's ready for games?" I then shook my head. "Not so fast Antonio, did you tell Boden the names?" He sighed and nodded. That's when everybody looked at us. "Can we find our the names then?" Looking at Cruz when he said that. I just sighed and nodded. "Okay, we obviously have to say the genders too but..." Matt then looked at me. "I want to make this a game."

I then looked at him. "What type of game? And how?" Matt then smiled at me. "They text us their guesses for genders. Once they get the right combination...they get the names." I smiled when he said that. "I love that. Except, can I at least say the obvious one?" Matt was confused when I said that. I then went to bring up the jacket that was for his namesake. He then nodded and agreed. "Okay, so we can say this...our first baby is a boy and his name is Matthew James Casey, Jr." 

Christie smiled when Gabby said that. "Awh, that is an adorable name. Oh boy, that means that Matt is going to be Matthew James Casey, Sr. You're getting old brother." Matt nodded and agreed. "I know. Don't rub it in." Everybody nodded and agreed. "Okay now...text us your combinations. It either can be BBB, GGB or BGB." Everybody nodded and agreed as they went to sent their text for the guesses.

Hermann, Severide, Boden and Christie: BBB
Sylvie, Stella, Pete, Cruz and Mouch: BGB
Gallo and Ritter: BGG

Looking at the answers on Matt's phone, they went to send texts to Sylvie, Stella, Pete, Cruz and Mouch. "If you didn't get a text with the names....then you got it wrong and you need to try again." Christie then looked at Matt and was not impressed. "No, I got it wrong!" Matt then smirked and nodded. She then sent another text back. 'BGB' Matt then smiled and nodded when she sent the text. He then went to text her the names before looking at Gallo, Ritter, Boden, Hermann and Severide who still had it wrong. "C'mon Severide, I thought we told you already."

Severide then remembered and sent the right text, getting the names right away. After 5 more minutes, everybody got it. "Finally! You guys are slow. There is literally 3 combinations. The right answer was BGB. Andrew Daniel, Emma Elizabeth and Matthew James, Jr. And yes, Andrew after Andy and Elizabeth after Shay." Severide smiled when he heard that we were honoring Andy. "I think that you should tell Heather and the Darden boys that you are honoring their dad in your son's name." Looking at each other, we both agreed with him.

"We will have to talk about that though. She doesn't know we are expecting yet's going to be awkward. However, I need to tell them. Oh and I also want to ask her to be one of our kid's godmothers." I was confused when Matt said that. "Why exactly?" Matt then smiled. "I am the Darden boys' godfather." Severide then looked at me. "Still don't get how you got to be their godfather when we were closer." Matt laughed when he said that. "Because unlike you, I actually went to church when they were born." I then looked at him. "You and church?"

Matt smiled as he went to grab my hand. "I was raised Roman Catholic" Turning to look at him, I was shocked. "I thought you said you were Anglican!" Matt then bit his lips. "I literally just found my baptism certificate. Sorry, I thought it was Anglican." Matt's sister Christie then looked at him. "How do you not remember us having the Rev. Daniel McCormack as our pastor?" Matt then looked at her. "That's where I recognize that name! I knew I heard it somewhere. I just thought it was from my days as an alderman." Antonio then looked at us. "Wait, the sex offender pastor?"

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