Chapter 131

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Matt's POV: After spending the past 30 minutes in bed, I got a text from Severide asking me if I could come out to the kitchen and talk to him. Looking at Gabby who was now laying down next to me, I went to rub her back. "Hey Gabby?" Gabby then rolled over to look at me. "Yeah baby?" I then went to lean over her and kissed her softly. "Severide wants to talk to me in the kitchen. That okay?" Gabby put her hand on my cheek and nodded. "Yeah. I am going to stay in here. Can we just stay in here for the rest of the day?" I nodded and smiled as I went to kiss her softly.

"Sure thing, that sounds perfect." Going to get up, I went to grab my sweats and started to get dressed. "I can keep packing some more of our clothes while you relax in does that sound?" Gabby then shook her head. "Nope, I want to shop a bit. I want to look at pieces of furniture for the nursery. I know we got some gift cards for stores around here so...I want to purchase furniture for the babies before we leave to go to Puerto Rico. It'll be cheaper here. Stuff is more expensive in the Bahamas since it's imported."

I nodded when she said that and smiled. "Good idea. I keep thinking with all the stuff we are bringing...we might need to get a private plane to fly us." Gabby smiled and nodded. "I already asked Antonio to talk to Voight. I want to see if they can lend us the CPD plane to help us move. I mean, we are first responders...can they not help us one last time when we are going to go help people?" I nodded and agreed with her. "We'll see I guess. Now listen, you keep resting okay? Go back to sleep." I then went to lean over her and kissed her softly.

Gabby nodded and agreed with me as she went to lay back down in bed. Rolling over, she went back to sleep (at least I hope she did) while I walked out to the living room. Looking at Severide as he ate chips on the couch, I was not happy. "What are those and why are you eating them on my couch?" That's l heard Gabby yell. "SEVERIDE! YOU BETTER NOT BE EATING ON MY COUCH!" I then laughed when she did that before going to walk back to our room. Looking at her, I reminded her to breathe. "Just relax and remember to breathe."

Gabby nodded as she looked at me. "Make sure that HE cleans it. You do not clean it for him." I nodded and understood as I went to walk back out of our room. Walking over to the couch, I went to grab the chips before bringing them to the kitchen. "What did you need to talk to me about?" Severide then looked at me. "Come sit with me. I want to show you some things." I nodded and agreed before going to sit on the couch with him. That's when I saw him looking at rings. "Okay, now these are the ones in my budget." I then looked at his budget.

"Woah, that's a big budget." Severide laughed when I said that. "I decided to put the money I got from my dad's life insurance and my inheritance from him towards the ring." I smiled when he said that. "There is no better way to spend that." He agreed and smiled when I said that. "I also want help on the location. I was thinking of doing it either by the waterfront or at the firehouse." I then looked at him and shook my head. "The firehouse and fire academy are off limits! That's where I proposed to Gabby. You don't want to do it there."

Severide then thought about it. "What about the waterfront?" I then looked at him. "You mean by the river that she had to literally fish you out of?" Severide bit his lip when I said that. "Then Millennium Park?" I thought about it. "Like in the spring or soon? Because I would do it indoors if you are thinking of doing it around Valentine's Day." Severide signed when I said that. "That's the thing...I have no clue when I want to do it. Heck, I might just do it during a call." That's when I heard Gabby come out. "Oh no, that is not happening."

(BTW Chicago Fire had to do it while Severide and Kidd were in a fire? Not cool!)

Turning to look at Gabby when she came out, I was confused. "What happened to you staying in bed?" Gabby then laughed. "I need to be the voice of reason when it comes to this conversation. You guys can figure out what he is going to say but...I am going to make sure that my girl gets the proposal she deserves." Severide nodded and agreed with her. And honestly, so did I. Who better to help plan Severide's proposal than his fiancé-to-be's best friend? Seeing Gabby grab a snack, she looked at me and went to come join me on the couch. 

Severide then looked at me. "Why are you allowed to eat on the couch?" Gabby then stared at him, shocked he even asked that. "Okay's my couch. And second...your nieces and nephews are making me hungry. It's why I grabbed a muffin. By the way, can you buy a whole bunch of these babe? We can freeze them and bring them to the Bahamas with us. I want some to start the time down there until we've found a bakery down there that makes them almost as good as this bakery does." Going to sit in my lap, Gabby then cuddled up to me. 

Grabbing the blanket to cover us up, I smiled as I wrapped my arm around her and put my hand on her stomach. "So, where were we...oh yes, the proposal. Uhm, how about you do it at her new house?" Severide was confused when she said that. "How do you know about her having to transfer houses?" Gabby then laughed when he said that. "You seem to forget who my husband was." I then looked at her when she said that. "Was? I still have my rank just to let you know." Gabby then looked up at me as she leaned back against my chest.

Looking down into her eyes, I couldn't help but smile as I went to tug a strand of hair behind her ear. "You are no longer a fire captain because you are done running into fires. And boy am I glad that's the case because I love seeing this wedding band on your finger." Gabby then went to grab my hand and intertwined our fingers, smiling. "Me too." I then wrapped my arm around her waist and smiled as I went to kiss her head. "Now, about this proposal." Severide nodded when I said that. "Here's the hard part about this...we have had fires all over the place, how do I find a place that wasn't a fire scene to propose?" 

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