Chapter 168

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Matt's POV: Once me and Louie finished getting him some apple juice in his sippy cup, I smiled when I went to grab me and Gabby some granola bars and some more water. Once I had it all, I looked at Louie. "Hey Louie, you see this shelf here?" Louie then looked at what I was pointing at. "This is your shelf. This is where we keep all of your snacks and your sippy cups. Bud, you get your own shelf at home. How cool is that?" Louie then smiled as he held me close, I think starting to realize that this is his forever home. Moving to sit with him at the bar, I just held him close. "Listen Louie...I know this is hard to understand but you are home. Things are different."

Louie then looked at me and just listened. "Bud, you are our have my last name and you are not going anywhere. I promise you that. And I also promise that you are just as much my son as those babies that are in mommy's belly. Bud, our family isn't about's about love. I love you buddy and that's all that matters. Me loving you with all my heart makes you my son. Mommy loving you with all her heart makes you our son. I promise buddy...this is not like last time. There isn't going to be a bad guy to come take you. The bad guy is already gone this time around. And I am here to protect you for the rest of your life...I promise buddy."

Louie smiled when I said that. "Then why aren't my pictures anywhere in the house? In my old house, there were pictures of me everywhere." I then smiled at him. "We are going to change that. We just moved in buddy and we just got you back. Trust me, there are going to be so many pictures of you soon, you aren't going to be able to count them." I then went to kiss his forehead and smiled at him while rubbing his back. "Bud, you have nothing to be scared of okay? I am here for you and I promise to always protect you when it comes to you being safe. Daddy is a firefighter and his job is to protect people. Most importantly, his family. And that includes you."

Louie nodded and agreed with me as I just held him close. Going to pick him up again, I went to grab me and Gabby's water bottles and granola bars. Cuddling up to Louie, I smiled as I wrapped my arm around him and went to kiss his forehead. "You are home buddy so you can relax and just remember that mommy and daddy love you. And we are always going to love you." Louie smiled when I said that. "I love you too daddy." I smiled when he said that, knowing that this time he knew that I wasn't lying when I said that he was our son today, tomorrow and forever. Nothing was going to change that because nobody could change that, he was ours.

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