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You watched as the guards took Varian away and out him in the cart to transport him to the dungeon. You saw him send a look your way, and the knot in your stomach increase.  You took a few steps back in fear and felt Rapunzel place her hands on your shoulders in a reassuring way.

The trio back to the castle was quiet and filled with tension. No one knew what to say to you, and you didn't know what to say to them. They were all still slightly disturbed about what your situation had been like since the snow storm. Even if you left a few details out, they were disturbed none the less.

Once you all arrived at the castle, you asked to speak with Rapunzel privately. She agreed and lead you to her room.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Rapunzel asked as she closed the door.

"I need you to do something," you said.

"Sure," Rapunzel said sitting down. "What is it?"

"I need you to put me in Varian's cell," you said.

"What?!" Rapunzel exclaimed. "(Y/n), no. I can't do that. We just got you away from him."

"Rapunzel," you said. "It'll be safer for everyone."

"It won't be safer for you," Rapunzel said.

"He won't hurt me," you said. "At least not physically."

"But, (y/n)," Rapunzel tried to say.

"I have to," you said interrupting her. "There's something I haven't told you."

"What do you mean?" Rapunzel asked.

"It all started after Quirin got encased," you said. "He slowly became more possessive and clingy. I didn't think much of it at first. Then he wouldn't allow me to leave his home or his sight. My friends all got worried because they never saw me. Varian would never let me go. I couldn't see my family or friends.

Once the rocks became too much of a threat, my family and friends wanted to leave Old Corona, but they wouldn't leave without me. One night when Varian fallen asleep after working for so long, my family and friends snuck me out of his home and tried to help me escape.

We made it a fair distance away, and we were sure he wouldn't find us. We stopped for the night and rested. When I woke up, I wasn't in the forrest. I was in Varian's bed wrapped up in his arms. He had blood all over him and a maniac smile plastered on his face. When I asked him what happened, he simply said that he did away with certain 'thieves'."

"(Y/n)," Rapunzel said.

"As dangerous as he is," you said. "It gets worse if he's separated from me. He'll get more violent and even murderous. He'll destroy anything and anyone who stands in his way."

"But he's locked up," Rapunzel said. "He can't do anything now."

"He'll find a way," you said. "He always does."

Rapunzel looked at you with a pleading look. Your expression didn't change. "Okay," Rapunzel said with a sigh. You both got up and left the room.

Rapunzel walked you towards the dungeon and caught the attention of Cassandra and Eugene. She told them what was going on. Of course, they were against it and tried to talk you out of it. It didn't work.

The three of them sadly continued to lead you to the dungeon. The closer you got to the cell, the more anxious they became.

You now stood in front of Varian's cell and looked in. He gave you a crazed smile, but it faded when he saw the three that were with you. Cassandra took a deep breath and unlocked the cell. You slowly stepped in and let the door close behind you.

Varian immediately wrapped his arms tightly around you and gave the trio outside the cell a look that said "mine". They all gave you one last look before walking away. The moment they were gone, you felt Varian planting kisses all over your neck. You didn't fight it. You didn't have much of a choice. If Varian couldn't have you, he'd destroy everyone and everything. It was a sacrifice you had to make for Corona.

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