A Beast

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"Varian, wait!" you called out as you chased Varian out of the castle and through the gardens. He had run away from your birthday ball once some unpleasant news was said about him.

You lost track of him and looked around in worry for a second before you heard the soft sound of crying. You followed it to find Varian crying while sitting against a tree.

"Varian," you said walking up next to him and sitting down. "Why'd you run away like that?" You put a hand on his shoulder. 

"You know why," Varian said pushing your hand away. "You know everything now. You don't have to continue to take pity on me and pretend to like me."

"Varian," you said in disbelief. "You mean what Rapunzel and her friends said back there?"

"Yes," Varian said. "And it's all true. I committed high treason and came close to committing murder. No matter how much you deny it, I am the beast that everyone says I am."

"No you're not," you said. "You're a compassionate, smart, and sweet young man that won my heart. 

"I-I'm impure, unclean, damaged property," Varian said. "Why would you even want to be near me, let alone be with me?"

"Because," you said taking his hand and intertwining his fingers with your own. "I see the man behind the beast. You've made your mistakes, but what matters is that you want to make things right and want to make up for them. Your past doesn't define you." You cupped Varian's face with both of your hands. "Because your past isn't today."

Varian smiled a little as a few tears dripped down his cheeks. You held him close and let him cry on your shoulder. 

"Why?" Varian asked after a few minutes.

"Why what?" you asked and you continued to rub circles on his back. 

"Why do you refuse to see any bad in me?" Varian asked.

"There's nothing bad to see anymore," you said with a smile.

"Now," you said getting up and taking Varian with you. "You think you can come back to my party. You know how hard these get if I don't have a date. The endless suitors and flirting is exhausting."

"No fear," Varian said with a smirk as he held you close. "I will protect you, milady."

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