First Impressions

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You sat there at one of the empty tables at the party. Your friends had convinced you to come here, claiming that you were too wrapped up in your work all the time. You really didn't want to be here, though. Parties just weren't your thing. You had always been more of an introvert.

You sighed and took another sip of your drink before putting it down.

"Hey there," you heard someone say. You looked up to see a rich-looking guy with black locks combed back perfectly and wearing a fancy suit. "I couldn't help but notice that your glass was looking kind of low, so I took the liberty of bringing you a refill." He placed a full glass in front of you and took a seat.

"Oh, thanks," you awkwardly said. "Um, what's your name?"

"They call me Ramon von Kelmonto," he said with a sly smile. "But you can call me your new boyfriend."

"Oh," you said getting more nervous. "That's, uh, really flattering, but--"

"I have never seen eyes than shine as bright as yours," he said placing his hand over yours.

"That's nice of you to say," you said slowly slipping your hand away. "I just don't--"

"Your skin," he said grasping your hand once more and tenderly rubbing it. "It is softer than the petals of the sweetest flowers."

You nervously laughed and tried to pull your hand out of his grip. He only scooted his chair closer to yours and leaned towards you. You froze up as he began to sniff your hair. "You smell of the lovely springtime and bring wondrous joy to my senses."

You cringed and quickly tried to get up. You slowly started to back away from Ramon. "Look, I'm just not interested."

He came forward and placed his hands on your hips. "Your body is such a nice shape." You squirmed a little and tried to get away. It was no use. He had wrapped his arms tightly around you, preventing you from escaping. "Your lips. They look so...luscious." He closed his eyes and started to lean forward as you leaned back.

"Hey, honey," you and Ramon her someone say. You both turned your heads to see a boy with blue eyes, freckles, and black hair with a blue streak in it. "I'm sorry it took me so long to get you that refill. Some old friends of mine started talking to me, and I couldn't get away. Who's your friend?"

"Oh," you said slipping out of Ramon's grasp and walking over to the boy. "Don't worry about that. I understand. And, uh, sorry, sir, I forgot your name."

"Ramon," he said.

"Right," you said. "Well, thanks for jeeping me company until my boyfriend got back. See you latter." Ramon walked off in defeat. You sighed in relief.

"So, I'm your boyfriend, now?" the boy next to you said with a bit of a smirk.

You playfully punched his shoulder. "It was just part of the act," you said. "But thank-you for helping me."

"No problem," he said. "I've had to outsmart a few guys in my time."

"What's your name?" you asked.

"Varian," he said outstretching his hand. "And you?"

"(Y/n)," you said shaking his hand.

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