Not The First

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Total Drama AU

You slightly squeezed Varian's hand as you rode in the old, broken-down bus. You were excited but nervous. You and Varian had surprisingly been added to the competition of the third season of Total Drama. It was cool because you guys always watched the show when it was on, but you also knew that this game could get pretty dangerous. You were relieved at least Varian was with you. 

You looked around at the other people on the bus. You recognized a fair amount of them, but two people you didn't know. You guessed they were new competitors like you and Varian. 

The bus came to a stop and the doors opened up. You could hear the host, Chris McClean, introducing each competitor. You and Varian waited for him to say your names. Eventually, you both exited the bus after the crazy, purple haired girl. You shyly smiled at the other competitors as Varian kept an arm wrapped tightly around you at all times. 

You then saw an old, busted plane punk up in front of you. You all looked at it with concerned faces. You saw Owen start to freak out, and Chris hit him on the head with a frying. That strangely reminded you of Rapunzel back home. 

You all walked onto the plane as everyone complained about the new singing rule. It actually made you happy to hear about that part. You always loved it when Varian sang. 

Chris gave you all a quick tour of the plane before taking off. You couldn't help but the that someone's eyes were on you the whole time, and you didn't think it was Varian's eyes. 

Not too long after taking off, you all were forced into a weird musical number. After it was over, you snuck away to the confessional. 


"Okay," you said fidgeting with your fingers. "So, first confessional. Yay. So um, this is really exciting but also nerve-wracking. I mean, I'm surprised I even got in. I'm glad at least it's me and Varian. It's just...we have this sort of...condition. I just hope it doesn't affect us too much in the game." 

End Confessional

After an eleven hour flight, you landed in Egypt. Chris explained the next challenge was going through or over the pyramid to get to the finish line on the other side. Neither you nor Varian were really athletic, and Varian was extremely smart, so you went through the pyramid. It actually wasn't that hard for the two of you since Varian was able to spot triggers for traps and figure out the right path to go based on the symbols on the walls.

Just as the two of you walked out of the pyramid, you saw Bridgette, Lindsay, and Alejandro come sliding down the pyramid on a sign. You just shrugged it off and walked towards the other competitors. Chris suddenly stopped you, Varian, and Alejandro in your tracks. 

"Hold up," Chris said. "This season it's three teams! Alejandro, Varian, and (y/n), you all are on team two."

You just shrugged and stood there while you waited for the other competitors. Through that time, you couldn't help but feel like a pair of eyes was on you again. You turned you head to notice Alejandro was looking at you with a smirk. You nervously laughed as you moved to hide behind Varian.

After a while, everyone finally showed up, but Duncan quit on account of not singing. You were all placed in your teams. Thanks to Sierra, your team ended up with one of the weirdest names ever: Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot.

The next challenge was a camel race, even though only the Amazons had a camel, while your team had a goat and team Victory had a stick. 

Alejandro was able to balance the whole team on the goat, even with Owen. You'd be lying if you said you weren't the slightest bit impressed. That feeling faded when you realized you were the only one not on the goat, and there was only one place for you to go.

"Come on, chica," Alejandro said. "Hop up."

You sighed and reluctantly did as you were told. You carefully made it to the top of your pile of teammates, and Alejandro held you in his arms. You could feel Varian glaring from below. You just hoped he wouldn't lose it. He had serious problems with jealousy.

After a few minutes of wandering through the desert, your team spotted the Nile. You guys had to weave a boat from reeds to get across the river. Things looked good for your team since your teammate, Sierra, was a speed-weaver. However, you lost her in a swap for Izzy. Now the Amazons had Sierra. 

Long story short, the Amazons came in first, your team came in second, and team Victory was last. Ezekiel lost the team's stick, which lead them having to eliminate someone. You knew for sure that he was a goner.

You all went back to the plane, and your team went into economy class. Heather was right when she said it didn't look comfortable. At least Varian was there with you. He pulled out his big, black jacket that he always kept around and slipped it on. You rested tour head on his chest as he wrapped his arms and jacket around you. You looked over at your teammates to see Alejandro was smirking at you again. You hid yourself deeper into Varian's chest and jacket as you felt the plane take off again.


"Varian has proven to be resourceful and a good ally," Alejandro said with a bit of a smirk. "However, he could prove to be quite an obstacle if he lasts until the teams merge. At the very least, I know his weakness. And it's an attractive weakness. This is going to be fun."

End Confessional

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