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"Rapunzel, you can't be serious," you said holding one of her dozens of candles in your hand.

"No," Rapunzel said. "It's true. If you and your soulmate hold a candle each and press them against each other, a spark will ignite and light them."

"Please don't tell me that you're going to throw a find-your-soulmate party," you said. 

"(Y/n)," Rapunzel said with a gasp. "That's a great idea! I don't know why I didn't think of that."

You face-palmed. "Great," you said under your breath.

"We should start preparing right away!" she said dragging you out the door.


The party wasn't quite as bad as you thought it would be, but it still annoyed you a little. A fair amount of guys tried to see if they were your soulmate, only for the candles to never light up. You were actually starting to get a little bored. An idea suddenly popped in your head. You looked around for a minute to make sure no one was watching. Once you were sure no one was, you snuck an extra candle and left the party.


"This is great!" Rapunzel said bouncing up and down. "Isn't this great?!"

"Yep," Eugene said with a smirk. "I now have even more confidence in our relationship." He looked at their lit candles. Rapunzel giggled and blushed.

"Hey, lovebirds," Cassandra said sounding annoyed. "Have either of you seen (Y/n)?"

"No," Rapunzel said. "Not since the beginning of the party."

"Same here," Eugene said.

"Where did she go?" Cassandra asked to no one in particular.


You made your way towards the dungeon until you came face-to-face with two guards. "You know why I'm here," you said. 

"Yes, Lady (Y/n)," they said letting you pass. You walked down a series of cells until you came upon the one you were looking for.

"Hello, Varian," you said.

"(Y/n)," Varian said looking in your direction.

"Sorry that it's been a while since my last visit," you said getting down on your knees. "You know how hard it is to sneak down here sometimes."

Varian came closer to you until the only thing between you two was his cell door. You took out the two candles you had snuck in.

"What are those?" Varian asked. 

"The answers to our problems," you said. 

"What?" Varian asked confused. 

"Everybody has always been convinced that you and I were never meant to be," you said. "But we can prove them wrong."

"With candles?" Varian said confused.

"These aren't ordinary candles," you said. "If we can get them to ignite with a simple touch, it'll prove we're soulmates."

"(Y/n), you know I don't believe in magic," Varian said. 

"It's kind of hard to deny it at this point," you said. Varian sighed and took one of the candles in his hand. You held the other with yours. You two brought the candles close, and they ignited instantly. They actually seemed to create bigger flames that Rapunzel's and Eugene's.

"See?" you said. "They were always wrong about us."

You and Varian leaned forward and pressed your lips together through the bars of his cell. It was proof, but, at this point, it wouldn't do you any good. Moments like these were all you and Varian would get for a long time.

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