Guardian Angel

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Varian sighed as he sat on the cot of his cell. He looked down at the chains on his ankles and wrists. He was alone. The guards had taken Rudiger away the moment they arrived at the castle.

"How could things gat any worse?" Varian asked himself.

Suddenly, a bright white light appeared in the middle of his cell. He had to shield his eyes from how bright it was. The light faded, and he lowered his hands. There you stood wearing a pure white dress and flapping your angel wings.

"What the-" Varian started to say.

"Shh" you said pressing your index finger to his lips. "You needn't fear me. I am here to lead you back to the path of righteousness and redemption."

"What?" Varian said completely confused.

"I am your guardian angel," you said. "I am here to help you."

"Woah, woah, woah," Varian said sending up. "If you're supposed to help me, where were you like a month ago?"

You giggled a little and patted his head. "You must understand that I cannot chose when to appear. I am summoned when you truly need me."

Varian face-palmed. "I can't believe this," he said.

"Oh, come now," you said. "We can get along. I can tell you're alone and need a friend, and that's why I'm here for."

"Look," Varian said. "Just leave me alone. I don't need anyone."

"Oh, that's not true," you said approaching him. "You have been longing for your father for too long to have no desire for anyone."

"How do you know about that?" Varian asked.

"Please," you said. "I'm your guardian angel. I know everything about you. I have been watching over you since birth."

"That's kind of creepy," Varian said.

"We get that a lot," you said shrugging.

"What are you doing?" Varian asked as you started to approach him.

You wrapped your arms around him and held him close. "Hugs are a sign of comfort and a way to start a mending of one's heart and soul."

"Get off of me," Varian said trying to push you off.

"You mustn't fight the affection," you said squeezing him tighter.

"Let go of me, weirdo," Varian said trying to push you off again.

"Embrace the love and light," you said. "And start your journey down the road of redemption."

Varian just kept trying to push you off until you both fell onto the floor. "Well," you said getting up. "You're more stubborn than I expected. At you're cute."

"What?" Varian said as his cheeks lit up a little.

"That's enough for today," you said with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, you disappeared in a bright flash that Varian had to shield his eyes from again.

"What just happened?" Varian asked himself once you were gone.

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