Slow (Speed Pt. 2)

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Varian silently groaned as he stood in front of several mirrors with his arms outstretched. He never enjoyed going through fittings, but he really didn't like it at the moment. He was being fitted for his wedding outfit.

"Oh, this is just wonderful," Gothel happily said. "My son is finally becoming a man and getting married. I hope I'll be seeing some grand-babies soon."

Varian cringed at the thought. "Uh, Mother," Varian said. "About this wedding, ow!"

"Sorry, your highness," the maid said. Varian just sighed. He figured that it was for the best that he was stopped. Gothel would never listen to him. He had to just stick to the plan.

It was late at night, and you were brushing the horses' manes. You sighed sadly. Varian was supposed to marry Mia in just a couple weeks.

"Hey, (y/n)," you heard a familiar voice say. You turned to see Varian standing in the doorway of the stable. Before you could react, Varian quickly ran up to you and locked you in a tight embrace. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him back. You suddenly felt something on your finger. You looked at your hand and saw a ring with a giant diamond on it.

"I got the ring," he said with a smile. You smiled back and leaned in. You both closed your eyes in content as your lips met.

"Also," Varian said breaking the kiss. "How are you doing?" You chuckled as Varian kneeled down and pressed his ear against your belly.

"We definitely went crazy on your birthday," you said.

Varian was smiling and had his eyes closed in content as he rubbed circles on your belly. "It'll all be worth it," he said. "We'll be a happy little family."

You took hold Varian's hands and lifted him back to his feet. You both smiled and were about to kiss again when-

"Varian," a stern voice say. You both turned to see Gothel standing in the doorway. Varian quickly stood in front of you. "What are you doing?" Gothel asked. "...with the stable girl."

"(Y/n)," Varian sternly said. "Her name is (y/n)."

"Whatever," Gothel said. "I was just wondering why you were kissing her. Or why you were rubbing her belly? Maybe you could tell me why she has on that fancy ring?"

"Because I'm in love with her," he said.

"Love," Gothel said. "So that's what this about. Your people. Your kingdom. None of them matter as much as your precious love." She kept approaching the two of you. Varian wrapped his arms around you protectively and was especially sure to keep your stomach protected.

"I don't want this life, Mother," Varian said. "I just want to be happy with (y/n)."

"Happiness," Gothel said. "What makes you think this will bring you that?"

"It already has," Varian said. You shook as Gothel looked at you.

"Well," she said. "Happiness is what all mothers want for their sons. Who am I to deprive you of it?"

Varian was foolish and let his guard down as he hugged Gothel. "Thank-you, Mother," he said.

"(Y/n)," Gothel said breaking the hug and taking hold of your wrist. She lead you a few feet away. "I can tell you will be a mother soon." You looked down at your stomach and smiled. "And I need to tell you something important about being a mother. You must always do what's best for your child."

"Thank-you," you said. "I understand. It's what you're doing right now."

"Yes," Gothel said. "Yes I am."

You suddenly felt a sharp pain. "Mother!" Varian cried out. You looked down to see a dagger stabbed through your stomach. There was no doubt that it pierced your womb. Gothel pulled the dagger out and you fell to the floor.

"(Y/n)!" Varian exclaimed running to your side.

"Tears were spilling out of your eyes as you struggled to breathe. "It's dead."

"What?" Varian said.

"It's dead," you cried. "It's dead! It's dead!"

"It's okay," Varian said. "It'll be okay." He suddenly didn't feel you moving anymore. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)?!" He held your dead body close and let tears escape his eyes.

"It's for the best," Gothel said placing her hand on Varian's shoulder.

"How could you do this?" Varian said. "I loved her. She was my happiness."

"You don't know what makes you happy," Gothel said. "I do. You're going to marry Princess Mia, and you are going to find happiness ruling this kingdoms with her as your wife. The life of a king is far greater than the husband of a stable girl."

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