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You leaned against the fence as you watched Varian ride his horse. You'd be lying if you said you weren't impressed with the skills he had acquired. At this point, he was nearly as good at riding as he was at his alchemy.

You were the stable girl of the castle. You basically took care of all the horses and had been Varian's teacher for a while. Ever since the two of you met when you were ten, you had been the best of friends.

Varian suddenly made his horse come to a stop right in front of you. "Very impressive," you said with a smile as Varian hopped off.

"Thanks," Varian said.

You walked up to his horse and gave it a carrot as you took off its saddle. "Still hard to believe you were the clumsy prince I started teaching eight years ago," you said with a bit of a smug grin.

"Yeah, yeah," Varian said playfully rolling his eyes. "Guy falls off the horse on his first day, and he never hears the end of it."

"Not as long as you're around me," you said leading his horse into the stables. "Which should lead to a long time since you just can't stay away from me."

You suddenly felt Varian hug you from behind. "It'd be easier if you weren't so cute, darling," he said. You giggled a little as Varian picked you up and spun you around.

"Varian," you both heard someone say. Varian set you back down on your feet, and you turned to see a black-haired woman in a red dress.

"Oh, Queen Gothel," you said quickly curtsying.

"Mother," Varian said.

"Out riding again?" Gothel said walking up to the two of you.

"Yes," Varian said.

"Oh, Varian," Gothel said rubbing her temples. "We've talked about this. You're eighteen, an adult. It's high time you leave these silly games behind and start thinking about your rein."

"But, Mother, what more is there to think about?" Varian asked. "I've been doing fine with all my lessons. I've been assisting you in court. I've even been left in charge of the kingdom a few times over."

"Yes, yes," Gothel said. "Those things are important, but there are other things to be thinking of. Such as...your queen."

"Mother, not this again," Varian said.

"Why not just accept the various deals sent our way?" Gothel asked. "Plenty of fine, rich girls have been offered to you."

"Mother, that's wrong," Varian said. "Women are not supposed to be offered. They are people not possessions. Besides, marriage is meant for love."

"Oh, tish-tosh," Gothel said waving it off. "You're a royal, and when you're a royal, you have to put your kingdom before your heart. Why reconsider that lovely duchess for instance. She comes from a very wealthy family. Our people would surely never go hungry."

"Mother," Varian said. "I'm still not supposed to become king until you pass, I get married, or you step down. I'm still young. Surely this can still, wait."

"It might feel that way," Gothel said. "But every minute counts. It would be best if--"

"Help!" someone cried out. All three of you turned to see a horse running at an usual fast rate with a young woman riding it. "Someone, help me! Please!"

"Runaway horse," you said.

"C'mon, boy," Varian said quickly mounting his horse. He dashed off nearly instantly and chased after the horse carrying the distressed girl.

"Excuse me, miss," Varian said once he was riding next to the other horse. The girl looked up at him. "If you could just lean this way a little, I could help you get off." The girl seemed nervous and she clung to the speeding horse. "C'mon, I'll catch you." The girl took a breath and jumped towards Varian. He caught her and stopped his horse as the other continued onward.

The girl was clinging to Varian and breathing deeply. "You alright, miss?" Varian asked.

The girl looked up at his face and felt her cheeks get warm. "I am now."

"Mia! Princess Mia!" Varian turned to see several men riding their horses up to them. Mia hopped off of Varian's horse once a man wearing crown remounted his horse.

"Oh, Mia," he said embracing the girl. "I was so scared."

"I'm alright, father," Mia said. "Thanks to this young man."

"Varian!" Gothel yelled as she came running towards her son with you following her. "Why'd you just run off like that? Did you hurt yourself?"

"Mother, I'm fine," Varian said.

"Queen Gothel?" Mia's father said.

"King William?" Gothel said looking at the man. "Oh it's been far too long."

"I am in great debt to you," William said directing his attention towards Varian. "You saved my precious Mia's life."

"Oh," Varian said rubbing his neck. "It was nothing."

"It was nothing?" William said. "You've done me a good deed. However can I repay you?"

"Well," Varian started to say.

"Wait," William said. "I have it." He took hold of Mia's hand. "Prince Varian, I offer you my daughter's hand in marriage. That'd be alright with you, right sweetie?"

"Yes," Mia said. "Marriage to the one who saved my life? I could think of no one finer."

"Oh, um," Varian said getting more nervous. "It's just that-"

"Yes!" Gothel interrupted him. "Oh, my son would be delighted to marry your daughter. Oh, and our kingdoms would be united at last."

Mia smiled and hugged Varian. He gave a nervous look over towards you. You stood a few feet away from the group feeling forgotten. You could feel your heart slowly breaking. Varian was engaged to Princess Mia.

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