Meet The Parents

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Varian gulped and gripped your hand tightly once your home cam into view. You squeezed his hand in reassurance.

"Don't worry," you said. "I'm sure they'll love you."

"W-w-worry?" Varian said. "Who's worried? Are you worried? Because I'm not worried."

"Right," you said playfully rolling your eyes. You opened the front door and walked inside. "Mom! Dad! I'm home!"

"(Y/n)!" your dad happily exclaimed gripping you in a bear hug.

"Hey, Dad," you said slightly breathless from his tight grip. 

Your dad put you down and looked over at Varian. "(Y/n)," he said forcing a smile. "Who is this?"

You cleared your throat. "Dad, this is Varian. I told you that I invited him to dinner tonight, so you and Mom could meet him."

"Right," your dad said. "Hey, your mother could use some help in the kitchen. Why don't you head on in there?"

"Okay," you said before planting a quick kiss on Varian's cheek and heading to the kitchen. 

Varian shook slightly at the glare your dad was giving him. "Uh," Varian said stretching out his hand. "It's nice t-t-to m-meet you, s-s-sir."

Your dad gripped Varian's hand, almost a little too tight. "Very tight grip," Varian nervously laughed. 

Your dad roughly pulled Varian close and looked him straight in the eye. "Now, listen here," your dad said. "If you do so much as anything to hurt my daughter, it will be the end of you."

"Got it," Varian said sounding terrified. 

You came back to where Varian and your dad were. "Mom said she's all covered in the kitchen," you said. "Dad, what are you doing?"

"Just giving this boy a warm welcome," your dad said. "Right?"

"Yep," Varuan nervously said.

"Okay," you said walking over to them. "I hope you don't mind if I steal him from you." You linked arms with Varian and headed in the direction of your mom. 

You felt Varian shaking a little. "Are you okay?" you asked. 

"Your dad is scary," Varian said.

"He comes across like that on most first impressions," you said. "Don't worry though." You placed your hands on his shoulders and pressed your face close to his. "He's probably just nervous that you'll be the one." 

Varian's cheeks lit up a little. "Not here," he said.

"Why not?" you said leaning closer. "You know you love it."

"I-mph!" Varian was cut off when you kissed him. He tried to stay strong and not look like he was enjoying it. He didn't last a second. He gave in to you instantly.

You pulled away after a minute. "See?" you said. "No harm done. Now, you need to meet my mom. She's a little less...intimidating."

You pulled Varian towards the kitchen. "Hey, Mom," you said. "I'd like you to meet Varian."

"Oh," your mom said looking up from the dish she was working on and over to you two. "Hello, there. It's nice to finally meet you." Your mom gently shook Varian's hand. "My daughter has told me so much about you."

"Oh, really?" Varian said.

"Yes, dearie," she said. "Now, why don't you two go sit down? Dinner will be ready in just a minute."

"Okay," you said dragging Varian to the table. "See?" You both sat down. "I told you she'd like like you."

"But your dad, um-" Varian started to say. 

"Her dad what?" your dad said walking into the room.

"Her dad is a great guy," Varian said. 

"Why is your hand on my daughter's leg?" your dad said. 

"Oh!" Varian exclaimed quickly pulling his hand away. "I didn't mean-"

"Varian," you said placing your hand on his shoulder. "It's okay." You scooted you chair closer to his until you were both side by side. You took hold of his arm and draped it over your shoulders. "That's better."

Varian gave your dad a nervous smile as he continued to give him death glares. He was shaking again. You rolled your eyes a little and gave him a quick kiss. That seemed to calm him down a little.

"Alright," your mom said coming into the room with food. "Dinner is served."

Dinner went okay for the most part. Your mom definately seemed to be okay with Varian, but your dad just didn't seem to be having it. He always seemed to be glaring at Varian, and if the two of you did anything that involved physical contact, he seemed to get more mad.

"Well," you said once dinner was over. "It's pretty late, and Varian's home is kind of far. Could he possibly stay the night?"

"Oh, of course," your mom said.

"Wait," your dad started to say. 

"Thanks, Mom," you quickly said interrupting your dad and getting up. You were quickly leading Varian to your room. You had just made it in when-

"No," your dad said blocking Varian's path, preventing him from entering.

"Dad," you said.

"You cannot share the same bed," he said.

"Well, where is he supposed to sleep?" you asked.

"The couch," your dad said. 

"Dad, that couch is older than dirt," you said. "There's no way he'd be able to sleep."

"No, it's fine," Varian said nervously backing up. "I can sleep on the couch."

"Good," your dad firmly said.

Varian grimaced a little when he saw the condition of the couch. It was all busted and lumpy and seemed to have a few stains here and there. He sighed and payed down. 

A couple hours passed, and he still couldn't sleep. Varian suddenly felt someone tap his shoulder. He looked up to see you. 

"Come on," you said pulling him up.

"Come on where?" Varian asked.

"My room," you said. "I can't let you sleep on that thing." You lead Varian to your room and let him in.

You sat on the bed as Varian removed his apron, goggles, gloves, and boots. "Besides," you said paying the bed. "You're my boyfriend, and I want you with me."

Varian nervously laughed a little as he layed down next to you. "You're cute," you said booping his nose. He laughed a little and pulled you close. You two snuggled into each other and fell asleep.

You knew your dad was probably going to kill you in the morning, but you didn't care. No matter what your dad does, you'd still love Varian just the same. 

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