Our First Christmas (Christmas Special Pt. 1)

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You sat in the sleigh next to Varian with a big smile on your face. It was December, and Christmas was fast approaching. After Varian had figured out his birthright and became the prince of the Dark Kingdom, you spent most of your time in the Dark Kingdom instead of Corona. However, for the holidays, you and Varian were returning to Corona. You thought it would be so great to see your family again after so many months. 

It was actually going to be the first Christmas you and Varian would spend together as a couple. When Varian had found out he was really a prince, it was revealed to you two that you, being a princess of Corona, had been promised to Varian at birth. It basically meant once you were old enough, the two of you would be married and become the king and queen of the Dark Kingdom. 

You were pulled from your thoughts as you felt Ruddiger land in your lap and chitter. You smiled and petted him, knowing he didn't like the cold. 

"It feels kind of weird being back here after all this time," Varian said as he looked at the scenery around the both of you. 

"It's nice, ins't it?" you said scooting closer to him and holding his hand. "Just coming back to the place where we grew up."

Varian faintly smiled and wrapped an arm around you. "Yeah," he said. "It's nice."

After a while, the sleigh finally pulled up to the front of the castle. You saw your sister and your parents emerge from the doors and run up to you. 

"(Y/n)!" Rapunzel happily said pulling you into a bear hug. 

"Rapunzel!" you happily replied. 

After a moment, she put you down, and you went to hug your parents as well. "It's wonderful to see you again, dear," Arianna said with a smile. 

"You too, Mom," you replied. 

"Why don't we get inside where it's nice and warm?" Fredrick said making you all nod. 

You headed inside holding Varian's hand. It almost looked as if you never left. Everything looked the same aside from being covered in lights and tinsel for Christmas. 

Your family let you and Varian head for your old room to get settled in. You couldn't help but smile at the familiar place. You walked over to the window after placing your luggage down to look at the snow falling outside. You sighed in content. "It feels so good to be home," you said. 

You suddenly felt Varian wrap his arms around you from behind and place a kiss on your cheek. "Feels even better to be here with you," Varian said. You giggled a bit and leaned against him. 

"I can already tell with you here," you said turning to face him. "This will be the best Christmas ever."

Varian smiled and leaned his forehead against yours. "You're love is the best gift I could ever receive."

"Don't get all cheesy on me," you said with another laugh. Varian just smiled and pressed his lips against yours. You closed your eyes in content and returned the kiss. There was no doubt about it. This would be a Christmas you'd never forget.

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