Right And Wrong

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You felt yourself being summoned and ended up on a young boy's shoulder. You were known as the shoulder angle and always tried to get people to make the right choices. However, if you were summoned, it also meant he was summoned.

In a puff of red smoke, Varian, the shoulder devil appeared on the boy's left shoulder. He always was trying to manipulate people in making the bad decisions. Honestly, there were times you just couldn't stand him. You were not letting him win today.

"Who are you?" the boy asked.

"We," you said. "Are the beings which make up your conscience. I am your shoulder angel, and I try to show you the right way to go to lead to a good life. He is your shoulder devil, and he just manipulates everyone to make terrible decisions that ruin people's lives."

"Wow, (y/n)," Varian said with a smirk. "You sure are feisty today."

"Don't start," you said and cleared your throat. "Now, we have been summoned because of a dilemma you are facing. What is it?"

"Well," the boy said. "There's this guy at school that's always picking on me. I just found out he's gay, and I'm thinking of posting it to the web to humiliate him."

"Nice," Varian said. "That's one of the better revenge plots I've heard lately."

"Oh, never mind him," you said waving him off. "This is a serious thing you are considering doing. This boy might have hurt you, but if you hurt him back, then you'd become the bully. This could even potentially lead to him coming at you worse than before."

"Don't listen to her," Varian said. "You suffered because of this boy, right?"

"Yes," the boy said.

"He's humiliated you, hasn't he?" Varian said.

"Yes," the boy said.

"Doesn't he deserve to feel the same things you have?" Varian said.

"Yes!" the boy said angrily and reached for the "post" button.

"Wait!" you exclaimed. The boy stopped. "You must think about this. What could the potential consequences be of doing this? It could go from simple humiliation to something worse. Many people end up in bad situations when they mixed in with social media. If you do this, you'd be fighting fire with fire. The flames would only grow, and this fight would never cease."

"I guess you're right," the boy said.

"No," Varian said. "If you do this, he could become a laughing stock. Everyone would make fun of him instead of you. He'd never have the courage to hurt you again."

"That could happen," the boy said.

"But it also couldn't," you calmly said. "What would people think of you for spilling this secret. Even if some made fun of the bully, who to say they wouldn't come after you? You spilled a big secret about this guy. They could fear you'd do the same to any of them. The could all turn on you, and you wouldn't have any friends."

"Oh my gosh!" the boy exclaimed. "No way I'm letting that happen to me!" He quickly deleted what he was about to post, turned off his computer and left the room screaming.

You watched it all with a satisfied smile. "He has been saved," you said to yourself.

"Humph," Varian said getting your attention. "You just got lucky."

"Oh, is wittle Warian upset that the angel won?" you said in a baby voice. "Boo-hoo."

"Stop that," Varian said with a bit of flames forming around him.

"Now, now," you said. "No sense in being a sore loser. I won fair and square."

Varian suddenly wrapped his devil tail around your torso and pulled you forward until your face was inches from his. "For an angel," he said. "You sure seem boastful."

"What," you said trying to get his tail off of you. "A good girl can't enjoy her victory?"

"No," Varian said with a bit of a smirk. "But a bad boy doesn't take well to losing without a so consolation prize."

"What are you-" you tried to ask. Varian suddenly yanked you forward and smashed your lips against his.

"Mph!" you exclaimed as you tried to stubble out of it. After a minute or two, he let you go.

"That was low," you said pointing at Varian. "Stealing a kiss all because I beat you. I can't believe you sometimes."

Varian chuckled. "No matter how much you deny it," he said wrapping his tail around you again. "I can tell you enjoy it."

You pushed him off of you with a huff. "Unbelievable," you said as you disappeared in a puff of white smoke.

"You'll give in one day," Varian said with a smirk as he disappeared in a puff of red smoke.

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