Must Be Fate

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You grunted as you pushed the laundry cart along. You had been cleaning out all the rooms in the castle for hours, and you felt exhausted. At least after this, you could finally go to the servants' quarters and retire for the day.

After you cleaned out the last room, you had to go to the laundry shoot to drop it all off.

You struggled as you held up a pile of laundry and dropped it in the shoot. Then, you threw in another. And another. And another. And another. Finally, you were done.

You wiped imaginary sweat from your brow and sighed in relief. You turned and headed for the servants quarters.

You had only walked a few feet before you ran into something or someone and fell on the floor.

"Are you okay?" You saw someone offer their hand to you. You could guess it was whoever you bumped into.

"Yes," you said taking their hand. "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where--" You stopped mid-sentence and your eyes went wide. "Your highness!" You quickly got on your knees. "Please forgive me! I promise it won't happen again!"

"Woah, calm down," he said waving his hands. "You're not in trouble. It's fine."

"Oh," you said getting up and curtsying. "I apologize for my outburst, your highness."

"You don't have to be so formal," he said with a laugh. "Just 'Varian' is fine."

"Oh," you said. "(Y/n)."

You both are quiet for a minute. "Well," you said breaking the silence. "Look at the time. I've really got to go. Bye!" You quickly dashed out of the hall ran behind a corner.

You leaned against the wall and took deep breaths. You face-palmed. "Stupid. Stupid," you said to yourself. "You actually talk to the prince, and what do you do? You make a total fool out of yourself." You sighed. "I need to lay down." You made the long trip to your bed and collapsed instantly.

The next day, you were shining all the golden picture frames. The one you were currently working on was pretty high up, so you had to use a ladder.

"Come on. Come on," you said as you struggled with a spot that wouldn't come off. You rubbed harder and harder with your rag, until the ladder shook a little. You wobbled as you tried to keep your balance. You started to panic until the ladder stopped moving. Someone must have stabilized it.

"Are you okay?" you heard a familiar voice say. Your heart stopped as you looked down to see Varian holding the ladder.

"Uh, yep," you quickly said climbing down. "Perfectly fine. Ladders. They're... they're so... shakey." You mentally slapped yourself.

You both were quiet for a minute. "Oh, look," you quickly said picking up your bucket. "It seems I've run out of soap water. I better go get some more. Bye!" Once again you dashed down the hall and rounded a corner.

"Stupid. Stupid," you said slapping yourself.

Every day that followed seemed to be the same. You'd run into Varian one way or another, and you'd run away. It was getting ridiculous. You literally couldn't go one day without running into him.

You groaned and plopped face-first onto your bed. "Rough day?" one of the servants asked.

"No matter what I do, I always run into him," you said.

"Must be fate," a servant said.

"It's not fate," you responded.

"Then I guess he just likes you," another servant said. They all burst into fits of giggles and you covered your flustered face with your pillow.

Varian x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang