Truth Be Told

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"Hey, Varian! (Y/n)!" Rapunzel called out getting your attention. She ran up to the two of you with a bunch of purple cookies.

"Yes, Princess?" you said.

"Could you guys try these cookies I made?" Rapunzel asked. "It's a new recipe I tried out."

"Okay?" you said sounding unsure as you picked up a cookie.

Varian eyed the one he was holding suspiciously. "These appear to be strangely familiar," he said. "You said you tried a new recipe?"

"Yep," Rapunzel said.

"Where exactly did you get this recipe?" he asked.

"From your lab," Rapunzel mumbled.

"What?" you both said.

"Just eat the cookies!" Rapunzel exclaimed shoving them in your mouths.

"Rapunzel!" you exclaimed after barely being able to swallow. "What the heck are you doing?! I nearly chocked on that! I can't believe after how long you've been back, you still refuse to act like proper royalty!" You covered your mouth with your hands. "Why did I say that?"

"I don't know," Varian said with a bit of sarcasm. "Maybe it's because of your big mouth, which is why I don't tell you any secrets." Varian covered his mouth

"Ha!" Rapunzel exclaimed.

"What did you do, Rapunzel?!" you exclaimed.

"Truth serum," she said with a bit of a smirk.

"Truth serum?!" you exclaimed.

"I knew those cookies looked familiar," Varian said. "You used the same formula I did when I tried to get information on the sundry flower."

"You did what?" you said.

Varian face palmed. "Why did you do this?!"

"You two have. clearly been lying lately," Rapunzel said. "We're going to see just how different things are when you have to tell the truth."

"So what?" you asked. "We're just going to say the total truth forever?!"

"No," Rapunzel said. "Not forever. Just for twenty four hours."

"You're evil," you said.

"You'll thank me later," Rapunzel said walking off.

"Hey!" you exclaimed. "You can't just leave us like this!" You started to chase after Rapunzel until you bumped into someone and fell on the ground. You looked up to see Jeffery, a butler around your age.

"Hey, (y/n)," he said with a bit of blush appearing in his cheeks.

"Oh no," you said under your breath.

"So, have you given anymore thought about that date?" Jeffery asked.

"No," you said.

"Why?" he asked.

You tried to fight the truth serum as it pushed the answer towards your mouth. "Because I'm already with someone."

"Who?" he asked.

You just covered your mouth and ran away. You couldn't let anyone know who you were with or even that you were with someone. You both had promised to keep it as a secret.

"You seem nervous, kid," you heard someone say. You looked around a corner to Cassandra talking to Varian.

"You got a secret, or something?" she asked.

You acted without thinking and quickly came forward, grabbed Varian, and left.

"Did you tell her?" you asked once you two rounded a corner. Varian shook his head.

"Have you told anyone?" Varian asked. You shook your head.

"Okay," Varian said. "All we have to do is ride this out. We just last the next twenty four hours without spilling.

"Okay," you said.

That day wasn't easy. Everyone was asking you all sorts of questions that you didn't want to answer. You were sure that everyone knew about the truth serum.

The twenty four hours were about up, and you and Varian were sitting in the garden.

"Did you tell anyone?" Varian asked. You shook your head.

"Did you?" you asked. Varian shook his head. 

You both sighed in relief. "Well," Varian said placing his hand on yours. "Now that we're here..." You smiled and leaned towards him. Your lips met.

"Ha!" You both heard someone exclaim. You turned around to see Rapunzel pop out of a bush. "I knew it!"

Suddenly, other people came out of their hiding spots and gave you two knowing looks. You both blushed. After all you went through, the truth came out without the serum.

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