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You sat there in total silence. You had your eyes closed and breathed deeply. This was part of your routine at this point. Being thrown in prison at such a young age could be quite traumatising. These few moments of meditation were the only things that kept you sane in this place.

Suddenly, you heard the door to the dungeon open and the sound of chains clinking.

"Oh no," you whispered to yourself. "Another one."

The guards walked down the halls full of cells with a young boy in their grasp. He was surprisingly quiet. He didn't struggle or say a word. He just continued forward with a scowl on his face.

You watched with curiousity as the guards put the boy in the cell right across from yours. They all turned and glared at you before turning and leaving. 

You looked at your new "neighbor". He still was quiet and didn't move. He just sat there with the same expression on his face.

"You're awfully quiet for a new one," you said just above a whisper. The boy turned his head to look at you as if he just noticed that you were there, but he didn't change his expression. 

"Most people brought down here are kicking and screaming," you continued. "I should know." You paused for a second to see if he responded at all. He didn't. "What are you in for?"

"What do you care?" The boy spat. 

"I'm only trying to make small-talk," you said still not changing your calm tone. "We are going to be spending a lot of time together. I'm just trying to fibd a way to make time fly faster."

"Typically," the boy said as she got up and walked to the door of his cell. "You start with your name, not your crime."

"Very well," you simply said. "(Y/n). And you?"

The boy was quiet for a moment before ge answered. "Varian."

"Hmm," you said in interest. "Quite unique. Much more...real than most that are brought here."

"What are you talking about?" Varian asked. 

"Most prisoners want to be above the rest," you said. "So they hide behind their false names and claims. At least you're honest with yourself."

"Okay then, (y/n)," Varian said. "What are you in for?" 

"For being born," you said.

"What?" Varian asked confused. 

"Every generation of my family has been infamous for commiting some of the worst crimes," you said. "They caught my mother while she was pregnant. When I was born, they didn't want to take the risk of me becoming another dangerous criminal, and I've been here ever since."

Varian was quiet for a moment. "So..." he said. "You didn't commit a crime?"

"No," you simply said. "It's not like I've really even had the opportunity. They say it's for thest, though. I'm too dangerous to be free in the world."

Varian thought back to before the accident with the rocks. Back when things were normal. He could still remember people spreading rumors about him being dangerous even though he never meant any harm. But at the very least, he had actually had accidents with his experiments and inventions to make people think that, but you never did anything. You were being punished for your family's doings. 

"But," you said breaking the silence. "Enough about me. What are you in for?"

Varian sighed. "It's a long story."

"Well," you said. "I have all the time in the world to listen."

You could see a faint smile appear over Varian's face. Maybe a new "neighbor" wouldn't be so bad.

Varian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now