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Elementals AU

Varian slightly groaned as he started to wake up. He sat up in his bed of snow, making the snow blanket on top of him fall apart. The pendant of his necklace glowed a bright blue for a moment as he felt a surge of energy flow through him. 

Varian got up to his feet and stretched. He walked into another room. He looked up and saw the icicles were dripping like they always did in the morning. He stripped himself down and grabbed the soap from off a nearby shelf. To others the temperature of the water would have been unbearable, but it didn't faze Varian. That's what it was like being an ice elemental.

Once Varian was done with his shower, he slipped on his clothes for the day and walked over to the pantry. He opened the door to see nothing but an apple core. He heard his stomach growl and sighed.

Varian grabbed his satchel and walked out the front door. He grabbed a cart in his front yard and pushed it forward. He hummed to himself as he walked along the snow-covered ground. Everything around him was covered in ice and snow, painting the scenery around him completely white, aside from the sky.

Varian stopped in his tracks once he was on the edge of the ice region. He looked at the fire region that laid in front of him. He was scared of coming to this place, but it was only at the border that things like apples could grow. 

Varian spotted a nearby apple tree and walked over to it. He examined an apple on the lowest branch. It felt a little too soft, meaning it might be rotten. He felt the one next to it. It was harder, meaning it was more crisp. It smelled fresh. Varian picked it with a smile that soon vanished when he turned the apple around. There was a large burn on its skin. Varian quickly set the apple down on the branch. 

Varian suddenly heard a small noise from behind him. He turned around to see a group of fire elementals with less-than-friendly looks on their faces. Varian took a few steps back and gulped. He slowly reached into his satchel and pulled out an orb. He threw it at the group, trapping all of their feet in giant ice blocks. They all hissed at the cold and made their flames glow brighter to melt the ice. Varian had no time to react as the fire elementals jumped him.

Luckily, Varian was able to make it out without too much damage. He sighed in disappointment when he saw his cart tipped over and had wheel missing. He walked around and started to look for it.

You were walking along the outskirts of the fire region when you saw a strange wheel land in front of you. You looked at it with a raised eyebrow. You only then took notice of a nearby ruckus. You headed towards it and suddenly heard it stop. Up a head you could see what looked like elemental! You quickly ducked behind a tree and looked at the boy. You didn't want him to see you. Ice elementals and fire elementals were sworn enemies.

You saw the boy start to look around as if he was trying to find something. You then noticed his cart and how it was missing a wheel. You looked at the wheel in your hands and quickly threw it toward the spot where the boy was. He saw it and picked it up, but he didn't see you.

You felt your face get warmer than usual and noticed your hair flames grow bigger than usual. You didn't understand why. These things usually happened when a fire elemental was mad, but you weren't mad. You just stared at the ice elemental. You didn't know why, but he just fascinated you.

You saw the boy start to leave. You felt a bit of disappointment. You weren't thinking as you started to follow him into the ice region. It was like you were in a trance. You were so focused on the boy that you didn't notice your necklace get caught on a branch and break off.

After a few minutes of following the boy, you started to feel colder. You noticed your flames were dying down and losing their vibrance. You slightly panicked once you noticed your necklace was gone. You looked around desperate to find something to keep you warm, but there was nothing. There was nothing but ice and snow. You looked at the boy's cart full of apples. You thought it was a bad idea, but a layer of apples was probably the warmest thing out in this place.

You quickly jumped in the cart and buried yourself under the apples while the boy was distracted.

Varian continued to push his cart back to his house, feeling slightly confused on why it felt more heavy. He shrugged it off and brought the cart in his house. He opened the pantry and started placing the apples inside. After a few seconds hid ice hand accidentally touched your skin. Varian winced at the sudden temperature change. He looked at the cart in confusion and felt his heart stop. He saw you laying asleep. Varian panicked and quickly pushed the cart outside with you in it and ran back into his house closing the door behind him.

Varian breathed deeply as he leaned against the door. He heard whimpering outside and cracked the door open slightly. He saw you shaking from the cold. He quickly closed the door again. He took another deep breath. He couldn't get involved with you. You were a fire elemental. A fire elemental! He peaked out again. He noticed you had become really dim and early had any flames going anymore.

Varian stepped outside and looked at you. You looked so weak and tired. He also took notice of your missing elemental pendant. He looked at the distant fire region and at the setting sun. He sighed. He felt like he was going to regret this.

Varian pushed the cart into his house and looked at you. He thought for a moment before he grabbed a bag of coal. He took out a piece and dropped it were some of your flames were. The flames slightly grew and gained a bit of vibrance. Varian dropped another and another until you woke up.

You opened your eyes to see the same ice elemental you had been following. He gave you an unsure smile and a small wave. You did the same. Neither of you knew what to do. You reached forward to touch his hand. He winced back in pain. You shrunk in embarrassment and guilt. He waved his hands showing you it was okay.

You spent the rest of the night with Varian. He entertained you with some tricks he could dow with snow, and you did the same with your flames. You were just sure to keep them small to prevent causing any damage to Varian's home.

Eventually you fell asleep. Varian looked at you with a bit of a smile. A fire elemental. He never would have guessed. Being friends with a fire elemental was one of the last things he'd ever expect to happen. 

Varian's smile slightly faded when he saw your flames die down again. You wouldn't be able to survive in the ice region, especially not without your elemental pendant. He knew what he had to do, but he didn't like it.

Morning came, and Varian woke you up. You saw he was wrapped in tin foil. You didn't question it as he helped you to your feet and you two walked out the door. You both headed for the fore region. Varian was scared. Going in there could mean potential death for him if he wasn't careful, but he wanted to help you. You were the only friend he ever had, and you wouldn't be able to get another fire pendant by yourself in your weakened state.

You both headed towards the heart of the fire region. Varian found it harder and harder for him to go on as time passed, but he continued to push through it. You both noticed that he was starting to melt. You tried to get him to turn back, but he refused.

Eventually, you made it to the heart of the region, which was the top of a volcano. You reached over and gently held Varian's pendant. He placed his hand over yours, and the pendant started to glow brightly. The lava below bubbled as a pendant was formed and floated towards you. You quickly grabbed it, and it fastened itself around your neck. You and Varian looked at each other and smiled. 

A group of fire elementals suddenly showed up and gasped when they saw you. They ran to you and engulfed you in a hug. They were all so relived to see you were safe and sound. Varian smiled at the reunion until one of the fire elementals sent him a glare. Varian backed away defensively and returned to the ice region.

Varian plopped down to the ground once he was in front of his house. He started to think about how quiet things would be again without someone around. He suddenly heard the bushed rustle next to him. He saw several fire elementals walk through the bushes. He flinched in fear, afraid he would be attacked. He suddenly felt you tackle him in a hug. He felt himself melt slightly, and you felt your flames slightly dim. Neither of you seemed to care. 

Fire and ice. They were meant to be enemies, but that doesn't mean things can't change. Sometimes it's the opposites that attract.

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