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"Are sure you need to go?" Rapunzel asked as you packed up a bag.

"Someone needs to gather more data on that strange amber encasing Quirin," you said. "Obviously, Varian is...incapable of gathering data right now. It's been too long. I have to do something."

"But why not just stay here?" Rapunzel said. "It's safer. Everyone can watch after you. Plus, I can spend some extra time with you."

"Rapunzel," you said standing up. "I'm not a child anymore. I am eighteen. It's been four years since the battle in Old Corona, and Quirin is still nowhere close to being free."

"But-" Rapunzel tried to say.

"Rapunzel," you interrupted. "I am an adult, and I am deciding to action. I can't just sit by anymore."

"But Old Corona," Rapunzel started to say.

"I know you don't like me going there after the whole thing with being kidnapped and nearly crushed by a giant automaton," you said. "But Quirin is a good man, and one of our family's oldest friends. I want to help him any way I can."

"Okay," Rapunzel said with a sigh.

"Don't worry," you said. "I'll be perfectly fine." You smiled and walked out the door.

When you tried to leave, it wasn't easy. Everybody including: Eugene, Cassandra, Arianna, Fredric, Nigel, and basically everyone in the castle tried to convince you not to go. 

It took a while, but you finally shook them off and started on your way. You were walking through the village just outside of the castle when you noticed something was off. There was a large group of people in the square who all seemed to be yelling and throwing stuff. You approached the chaos to see what was the matter.

"What's going here?" you asked. 

"Hello, your highness," a man behind a vegetable stand said. 

"What's all the fuss the about?" you asked the man selling vegetables. "I've never seen people rushing to buy tomatoes so fast."

"Yeah," the man said. "With that boy getting community service, my business really does boom."

"Wait, what?" you said trying to get through the crowd. You kept moving forward until you could see who was caught in the middle of all this. You gasped. "Varian!" You ran over to his side, and everyone instantly stopped throwing things. 

Varian was covered in scratches, blood, and tomatoes. He looked terrible. "Oh my," you said taking the skin of tomato out of his hair. "Are you okay?"

Varian coughed a little. "Considering I was just attacked by half of Corona," he said. "I'm fantastic."

"What is the meaning of this?!" you exclaimed to the people around you. You directed your attention to the guard in charge of Varian. "And you," you said. "How could you let this happen? I entrusted you to look after Varian, not stand-by and do nothing while he's humiliated."

"Well, your highness, you see-" he tried to say.

"You know what, I don't want to hear it," you said. "Unlock his shackles."

"What?" the guard said confused. 

"You heard me," you said. "Unlock his shackles this instant!"

"Yes, your highness," the guard quickly said getting down on his knees and unlocking Varian's shackles. Once he was free, you helped him up to his feet and helped him balance. 

You directed your attention to the people who had been throwing things. "You all should be ashamed of yourselves," you said. "Hasn't Varian suffered enough? Keep in mind, if hadn't all turned your backs on him, he never would have done what he did. He's already lost his family, home, and freedom. Are you all really going to take away his dignity, too?" You didn't give them any time to respond. You just turned away and started walking back towards the castle with Varian.

You lead him up to your room and didi your best to ignore the stares and glares that were aimed at you two. You lead him into your room and sat him on your bed. You grabbed a rag and got it wet. You sat next to Varian and slowly started to dab his wounds with the rag. He winced at the sting.

"Sorry," you said. "I just can't believe this happened. Some people in Corona really surprise me sometimes, and not in a good way." Varian didn't respond. He just stared at the floor.

"Um, Varian," you said after a few minutes. "I hate to embarrass you, but did they injure-" You motioned towards Varian's torso. His cheeks lit up slightly. I know you hate doing this, but I have to clean your wounds or they could get infected."

Varian sighed in defeat and slowly took his shirt off. You did your best not to stare, but you couldn't hide your blush. You tried not to think much of it as you dabbed more of his wounds. 

You weren't thinking as Varian slowly started to raise his arms. Before you could notice anything, Varian wrapped his arms around you and pressed you against his bare chest.

"Um, Varian?" you said completely flustered. He didn't answer. He just stared at you for a moment. Before you could speak again, he softly pressed his lips against yours. You were surprised, but you gave in and kissed back.

Once you pulled away, Varian finally spoke. "You have no idea how long I wanted to do that," he said. 

You giggled. "I have a pretty good idea," you said rubbing your nose against his. "I sure know how long I've wanted to that." Varian smiled mischievously at you. You both leaned in and pressed your lips together again. Varian actually pulled you into his lap. 

"Hey, (y/n), could you-" Eugene said walking into the room. His eyes widened when he saw you and Varian. "Is this a bad time?" Neither of you answered. You just continued kissing as if Eugene wasn't there.

"Okay," Eugene said back up. "You're clearly busy. I'll come back later." He stepped out of the room and closed the door.

You both pulled away again. "I don't think you should do any more community service," you said. 

"Okay," Varian said as a smirk came across his face. "How about princess service?" You giggled as you and Varian laid down and continued smooching.

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