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You coughed a little as the smoke from Varian's experiment cleared. Something felt wrong. You looked over at Varian, who was now standing up. He looked like giant to you. You didn't even come up to his knees.

You tried to stand up only to end up on all fours again. You looked down to see paws instead of hands and feet. You quickly ran over to a mirror and looked at yourself. You screamed with a meow. You were a small, fluffy cat. 

"Varian, what did you do?!" you exclaimed turning to look at him. 

Varian didn't say anything. He just stared at you with slightly tinted cheeks. "Are you listening to me?!" you yelled. 

"Cute," was all Varian managed to say as he continued to stare. 

"Varian!" you yelled. Varian picked you up. "Change me back this second!"

"I-I-I would," Varian said. "...If I knew how."

"What?!" you exclaimed. "You don't know how to change me back?!"

"I can figure out a way," Varian said. "I'm just going to need some time. Until then, you're stuck as a cat."

"You can't be serious!" you yelled. 

"It's not that bad," Varian said with a smile pulling you close and scratching behind your ears. You purred against your will.

Varian went back over his notes to see if he could figure out a formula for an antidote. He kept you in his arms the whole time. You could sense that Rudiger was getting a little jealous. 

Many days went by, and Varian had no luck. He barely ever let you out of his sight. He carried you around everywhere. He had you sit at the table when he and his dad ate. You even played in bed with him when he slept. You'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy the attention, but you really wanted to be a human again. 

"Sorry, (y/n)," Varian said as he was working in his lab. "I just can't figure out what to do." 

You sighed and jumped off of the table you were sitting on. "Just forget it," you said as you walked towards the door.

"Hey," Varian said picking you up. "I'm not giving up on you. You're cute as a cat, but I would really like to have my girlfriend back."

"But we aren't-" you tried to say. Varian just ignored you and continued to pet your soft fur and scratch behind your ears. Eventually, he brought your face up to his and rubbed his nose against yours. Your purred more.

"You know you love me," Varian said with a sly grin. You purred again as a way of saying "yes". Varian smiled and planted a kiss on your head. 

You suddenly started to glow and your form got bigger. You landed on the floor with a thud. You looked down at your body to it was in the shape of a human once more. 

"(Y/n)!" Varian happily said. "You're-" He paused and covered his eyes as he cheeks went red. "I'm sorry!"

You then noticed how exposed you were. You quickly grabbed a nearby sheet and covered yourself. "It's okay now, Varian," you said laughing a little at Varian's flustered face. 

Varian nervously laughed as he brought his hands down from his eyes. He got flustered again, though, when you hugged him. Your barely-covered boy was pressed against his. 

"What did I just do?" Varian asked. 

You smiled mischievously and leaned toward him. "Must have been true love's kiss," you whispered in his ear. He got more flustered. You giggled at the sight and planted a small kiss on his cheek. "You're more adorable than a cat."

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