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You were walking home, and it was already pretty late and dark out. You slightly shook at the uneasy feeling you felt. You kept pressing onward, though. You had to get home.

You suddenly heard what sounded like a twig snapping. You quickly turned around. "Hello?" you said. "Is someone there?" There was no response. You gulped and started to walk faster.

You kept hearing more sounds as you continued onward. No matter where you looked, you couldn't see anyone. You just kept going and going until a cloaked figure dropped on their feet directly in front of you. You helped and jumped back.

"Why hello," the figure said reaching for the hood of their cloak and pulling it down. "Milady~"

"Varian?" you gasped.

"That's right darling," he said walking closer to you as you backed up against a tree. He placed his arm above your head and leaned in, trapping you.

"H-h-how?" you shakily said. " in-"

"In prison," Varian interrupted. "I know."

"How are you here?" you nervously asked.

"That is of little importance," he said bring his hand up to your cheek. "What matters is that I'm here, and I can finally claim you, love." He whispers the last part in your ear.

"What?" you said terrified.

"Don't act so shocked," Varian said stroking your face. "You know I've always loved you."

You didn't respond with words you were just stuttering and switching between your normal tone and a whisper.

"Getting shy?" Varian asked with a smirk. "Ha, same old (y/n). You're just too precious to leave behind."

Before you could understand what he meant, he threw green powder at you, knocking you out. He picked you up on his arms and chuckled a little as he disappeared into the night, taking you with him.

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