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"Woohoo!" you exclaimed as your horse galloped on. You loved the feel of the wind blowing in your hair and the warm sunlight shining on your skin. You didn't really mind the arms wrapped tightly around you either.

"(Y/n)," Varian said slightly nervous. "You think you could slow down a little?"

You ignored him and continued at the same pace. Varian drew the line though when you made your horse jump over a river. "(Y/n)!" he exclaimed.

You chuckled a little. "Okay," you said as you slowed your horse down to a steady gallop. "That was fun."

"Yeah, fun," Varian said. You laughed a little at his messed up hair and crooked goggles. "Don't do that again."

"I can't make any promises," you said with a laugh. Varian just sighed and put his head on your shoulder.

After a while, you stopped near a pond to let your horse get a drink and rest.

"You know," you said leaning against a tree. "You worry too much."

"What?" Varian said with his bare feet in the water of the pond. "I do not."

"Okay," you said with a shrug. "Well, what if I told you that Cassandra convinced me to compete in The Challenge of the Brave?"

"No!" Varian shouted then covered his mouth in embarrassment.

"Aww," you said. "You do care." Varian simply pouted and turned away from you. "Oh, come on. It's adorable."

"I'm not adorable," Varian said.

"Yeah, you kind of are," you said matter-of-factly.

"Hmph," Varian said crossing his arms. A thought suddenly passed through your head. You smirked a little and slowly approached Varian. You gave him a quick push, making him fall into the pond.

"(Y/n)!" Varian exclaimed popping his head out of the water. "What the heck?!" You didn't answer. You just stood there laughing.

"Yeah, yeah," Varian said rolling his eyes. " Can you help me out?"

"Okay," you said wiping an imaginary tear from your eye and reaching for Varian's outstretched hand. The moment your hands grasped each other, you felt Varian pull you forward and into the pond. You popped your head out of the water gasping for air.

Varian was laughing his head off. "Now, we're even," he said. You splashed him with some water. "(Y/n)." You splashed him again. "I'm warning you." You splashed him again. "Last chance." You splashed him again. "That's it."

You quickly swam away as fast as you could as Varian chased you. You stopped for a moment when you didn't see him anymore. You didn't notice as something started to emerge out of the water from behind you.

"Gotcha!" Varian said wrapping his arms tightly around you. You screamed playfully and tried to get out of his grip. He smirked and planted kisses on your neck, which only made you laugh and squirm more.

"Varian!" you said in between your laughs. "Stop!" You suddenly felt Varian spin you around so you were facing him. His arms were wrapped tightly around your torso.

"Would you prefer this?" he said with a smirk as he leaned in and kissed your lips. When he pulled away, he saw your cheeks were extremely red.

"I could live with that," you said.

"Good," Varian said before leaning in again. Your lips collided, and you both stayed like that for a while until you had to break apart for air.

"We should probably get going," you said.

"Okay," Varian said letting you go. You both got out of the pond and mounted your horse. You were in the same position as before with you controlling the reigns and Varian's arms wrapped around you.

You smiled all the way back home. The countryside was always such a nice place to have a little fun.

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