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You're both 21.

"This is a bad idea," you said as some of the servants put on fancy clothes. "We can't just sneak into this ball."

"Why not?" one of the maids said. "We do work here."

"Besides," another maid said. "You need to learn to take some risks."

"I get that and all," you said. "It's just that this ball is extremely important. King Qurin expects Prince Varian to chose bride tonight. If we somehow mess up this event, he could have our heads on a platter."

"Oh, come on," a maid said. "What could possibly go wrong? We'll just go in dance, chat, and enjoy some refreshments. We won't be causing any trouble."

You sighed. "Okay," you said as you started to change. 


You followed the maids as you got closer to the ballroom. "No," you suddenly said stopping in your tracks. "I can't do this."

"Yes, you can," the maids said making you continue on. 

You hyperventilated slightly as you entered the ballroom. It was all overwhelming. It was already a fancy event. It was worse that coming to to it could cost you your life. 

"Let loose," one of the maids said leading you further into the room. "Just have sone fun and enjoy yourself. Everything will be fine."

You sighed as she left you. "Okay," you said to yourself. "Just relax. Everything's fine." That's what you tried to keep telling yourself, but you kept feeling so paranoid. It just felt like everyone's eyes were on you. 

You walked over to an open window and breathed the fresh night air. It helped clam your nerves for the time being. 

"Hello," someone said from behind you. You quickly turned around to see a man your age with freckles, blue eyes, and a blue streak in his black hair. 

"Oh," you said curtsying. "Your highness."

"I guess you already know my name then," Varian said. "My I know yours?"

"I, um," you said. "I shouldn't. I shouldn't be here. I should leave." You started to head for the exit when Prince Varian grabbed your wrist.

"Wait," he said. "I didn't mean to frighten you off. If you don't wish to say your name now, that's okay."

"Oh," you said turning to face him once more. "Is there, um, something you need?"

"Well," Varian said rubbing the back of his neck a little. "I did have a small request."

"What is it?" you asked. 

Varian outstretched his hand to you. "May I have this dance?" he asked. Your cheeks turned red. The prince was asking you, out of all the girls in the ballroom, to dance with him.

"Oh, of course," you said taking his hand. He smiled and lead you to the middle of the dance floor. He placed a hand on your waist, and you placed one on his shoulder. You entwined your free hands, and Varian slowly started to lead you around. 

You heard soft music playing and saw everyone staring at the two of you. "Don't pay attention to them," Varian whispered. "Just relax and look in my eyes." You did as you were told, and you did notice a difference. 

You both fluidly danced together as everyone watched. All the girls were giving you envious looks. Qurin was watching the whole thing from afar with great interest. 

Varian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now