Decorating (Christmas Special Pt. 3)

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"Oh gosh, (y/n)!" Varian exclaimed. "Be careful!"

"Stop fretting, Varian," you said with a small laugh. "I've done this plenty of times before."

"But what if you fall?" Varian said in a panicked tone.

"Then you can catch me," you simply said. You carefully hung the ornament in your hand on a branch of the tree you all found. Satisfied for the time being, you climbed back down the ladder where Varian was anxiously waiting. 

"See?" you said once you stepped off of the ladder and onto he floor. "I'm perfectly fine."

"You sure we can't just get the servants do this?" Varian nervously asked wrapping his arms around you protectively and making puppy eyes. 

You giggled and stroked your fingers through his hair. "You can't protect me from everything all the time, you know," you said. 

"I can sure try," Varian responded tightening his grip on you. 

You both jumped as the doors to the room suddenly burst open. You both saw a furious Nigel chasing after a fawn and raccoon. 

"Ruddiger!" Varian exclaimed picking up his animal friend. 

"Bambi!" you exclaimed picking up the fawn as well. You directed your attention to the irritated man. "Nigel, what's going on?"

"Those dirty creatures trashed the kitchen and ate all the food the chefs had prepared!" Nigel angrily cried out. 

"Don't be so hard on them," you said stroking Bambi's fur. "They haven't completely adapted to palace life."

Nigel just gave you a hard glare before turning on his heel and leaving. "Well, isn't he a jolly old soul?" you said with sarcasm clearly evident in your tone. 

"Yeah," Varian said. "Who put a lump of coal in his stocking?"

"Hey, guys," Rapunzel said walking through the doors. "Sorry that we took so long. The staff kept asking for our opinions on the food, decorations, and so on. Anyway, how's the tree coming?"

"We're working on it," you said placing Bambi down. 

"It's looking good so far," Eugene said. 

"I probably could have had more done if a certain somebody didn't make a fit every time I climb the ladder," you said looking at Varian. 

"I don't want you to get hurt," Varian said burying his face into the crook of your neck. 

"You're smothering me," you said. 

"Get used to it," Varian said. "As my future bride, wife, and queen, I'll smother you all around the clock." You giggled as he placed butterfly kisses on your neck. 

Rapunzel looked at the tree with interest and put her index finger to her lip. Her face suddenly lit up as an idea struck her. You saw her make several loops in her hair until she had herself suspended a few feet off of the ground and had several decorations in her hair like little baskets. 

"You never cease to amaze me, Blondie," Eugene said with a smile. 

You all got back to work on decorating the tree while your animal friend ran around, playing behind you. 

"Alright," you said stepping back after a while. "Looks like we're as good as done. All we need now is the star for the top of the tree.

"Here it is," Eugene said pulling a gold star out of a box. "Why don't you do the honors, (y/n)?" He handed the star to you. 

"Okay," you said climbing up the ladder. Varian watched with anxiety building up inside of him. 

After a minute, you reached the top of the tree and placed the star down. "There we go," you happily said. 

"Yeah, it looks great," Varian said. "Now please get down from there."

"Okay," you said playfully rolling your eyes. Varian could always get overworked about the silliest things. Suddenly, Bambi and Ruddiger accidentally bumped into the ladder making it wobble. You tried to keep your balance, only for you to loose your footing and fall. Varian quickly jumped into action and caught you on his arms. He heaved a sigh of relief before placing kisses all over your face. 

"You are never doing that again," Varian said. 

"Varian," you whined. 

"Never again," Varian sternly said making everyone in the room, including the animals, laugh. You just rolled your eyes and kissed his cheek, making him blush. He smiled and nuzzled his head against yours. 

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