Missing You

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Rapunzel watched you as you sat in your small area in the caravan. You were writing again, writing to him. Rapunzel didn't know how to feel about all of it. Despite everything that happened, you were still in love with Varian. You had actually asked to go with Varian when he was taken to the dungeon. Of course, everyone refused.

You didn't want to come with Rapunzel and her friends on this journey. You wanted to stay in Old Corona to keep testing the amber encasing Quirin and possibly visit Varian every once in a while, but they wouldn't let you do that either. They wanted you to come with them since you had been studying the rocks with Varian. They thought you could be a good resource.

You finished writing and stuck your head out the window. You whistled until a little bird came and landed next to you. You rolled up the paper and gave it to the bird, who held it in it's beak. "You know what to do," you said. The bird chirped and flew away.

"(Y/n)?" Rapunzel said.

"Yes?" you replied not turning to look at her.

"Isn't that the tenth letter you've sent since we left?" Rapunzel asked.

"Fifteenth," you said.

"(Y/n), I know you like Varian and all but-"

"But what?" you interrupted. "You think I should just forget about him like you did?"

"I didn't forget about him," Rapunzel said.

"Then you just ignored him," you said flatly. "It was one thing not helping him during the storm. It was another to do nothing after your problems were solved. You got both your parents back, while Varian was left practically an orphan."

"But, (y/n)," Rapunzel tried to say.

"I don't want to here it," you said. "I have every right to miss him. I never left his side willingly. You all forced me away from him. Why should I feel any different than you did in Vardaros?"

Rapunzel stopped and thought about their first day in that town. She almost lost Eugene to another girl. She felt crushed that day, but at least she got him back. You didn't get to have Varian back after being separated from him. She guessed she couldn't argue with you and got ready for bed.

Later that night, when you were sure everyone was asleep, you pulled out something you snuck with you. You pulled out the doll Varian had made as a decoy for Rapunzel and Fredric. You found it in ruins of Varian's home after the battle. You thought it might have been a bit weird and wrong to keep it, but after losing the real Varian, you couldn't bare to be without it.

You squeezed the doll and nuzzled its cheek. "Goodnight, Varian," you said laying down and cuddling the doll.

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