Irony (You and Me Pt. 2)

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Steven Universe AU

You sat cross-legged with Steven on your left and Varian on your right. You stared at the pink palanquin.

"Why are we staring at this palanquin?" you quietly asked leaning over towards Steven.

"I'm just thinking about what's been going on," Steven said.

"What's been going on with you?" you asked laying down on your belly and placing your head in your hands.

"I..." Steven hesitated. He wasn't sure if he could trust you. You were a diamond, but you didn't attack him. He really wanted to vent, but it was hard around the gems, since they actually knew his mom.

"My Diamond asked you a question," Varian said standing up and moving to your side. "It is required that you answer her."

"Oh, Varian," you said patting your Pearl's head. "This isn't Homeworld, remember? Steven doesn't have to answer if he doesn't want to."

"Well," Steven said rubbing the back of his neck. "It's about my mom."

"What's a mom?" you asked.

"Oh, right," Steven said. "A mom is the person who gave you life. You know, created you."

"So like a kindergartener?" you asked raising a brow.

"No, no," Steven said. "My mom gave up her physical form to create me. She also passed down her gem and some of her powers onto me."

"Wow," you said turning starry-eyed. "How'd she do that?"

"Well," Steven said getting uncomfortable. He really didn't want to tell you about the birds and bees. "My dad is a human, and he combined his DNA with my mom's to create me."

"So that means you're a...a...what are they called?" you said.

"Hybrids?" Varian suggested.

"Yes, that's it," you said. "A hybrid."

"Well, technically, yes," Steven said. 

"Wow," you said picking Varian up. "I've been away from Homeworld for less than an hour, and I've already seen so many new things."

"You ran from Homeworld?" Steven asked.

"Yep," you said.

"Why?" Steven asked.

"Well," you said tightly hugging Varian to your chest. "Me and Varian accidentally fused, and the other Diamonds wanted to get rid of him. I didn't want to lose him, so I ran away. I hoped I could find a planet where they won't find me and I can keep my Varian."

"You're a diamond, right?" Steven said.

"Yep," you said.

"Did you know..." Steven paused. "Pink Diamond?"

"Well, I never knew her," you said. "But I've heard of her. Apparently she was shattered in the Gem War. Yellow and Blue are really messed up about it. They actually wouldn't let me do anything on account of claiming I'm too fragile."

"Do you blame Pink for that?" Steven nervously asked.

"No, not really," you said. "I mean it's Blue and Yellow who decided to treat me that way."

"Well," Steven said wringing his fingers. "She's my mom."

"Who?" you asked.

"Pink Diamond," Steven said. "But also Rose Quartz."

"You have two moms?" you asked confused.

"No," Steven said. "They're the same person."

"What?!" you  and Varian exclaimed.

Varian x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن