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"Are you sure about this, Varian?" you asked nervously as you both completed the chalk circle around the amber encasing Quirin. "I've always heard that this was forbidden on all levels."

"It's not forbidden," Varian said as he walked over to you. "Technically, it's referred to as a taboo. That just means people don't really talk about it." He opened up his journal and looked back over his notes. "We have everything we need. We can do this. It will work." He held both of your hands with his own and gave you the biggest smile. You sighed in defeat.

"Alright," you said placing your other hand over his that were holding your other. "I'm with you." Varian smiled.

You both got on your knees on the edge of the circle you had drawn out of chalk. You both closed your eyes and placed your hands down on the floor barely a centimeter from the chalk. Blue sparks started to shoot up from the circle and surround the amber. You and Varian smiled as it seemed to really be working. But then something changed. The sparks became less focused and started to spread all throughout the room. Object were being thrown this way and that. Books were scattered on the floor, papers were flying, and an old suit of knight's armor clamored to the floor.

"Varian, what's going on?!" you asked in fear.

"I-I don't know!" Varian exclaimed looking around on fear. You suddenly let out a scream, gaining his attention. Your body was being grabbed by dozens of tiny black hands, and your body was dissolving away in pieces. You screamed as you reached a hand out for Varian. He started to reach for you but stopped when he let out a scream of pain. You both saw several of the small black hands had grabbed hold of his leg, and it was dissolving, too.

"Varian!" you screamed as the last of you was pulled into the formed portal by the small hands.

"(Y/n)!" Varian yelled as he reached for you. He wasn't quite fast enough, and you vanished through the portal.

Varian was breathing heavily as he looked at where you once were. He groaned in pain at the loss of his leg and could feel the giant amount of blood he was loosing dripping onto the floor. He cried out before looking over at the amber. The amber looked almost the same, but Quirin had been contorted in ways to which no one could tell he was human. Varian screamed in horror, falling over and noticing the knight's armor not too far away.

"Give her back," he weakly said as he crawled towards the armor. "She's all I have." He used his blood and made a seal on the inside of the armor. "Please, give her back!" He crying now, begging for your return. He screamed in pain as the hands returned and took hold of his arm. As it was ripped away, the suit of armor began to move.

"Wh-what?" you said looking at your hands which were now made of metal. "What happened to-"

"(Y/n)," Varian said getting your attention. You looked over at him to see him missing one arm and one leg and bleeding out. Despite the pain he was in, he sent you a relived smile. "Y-y-you're oka-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence as he fainted.

"Varian!" you exclaimed picking him up. You quickly rushed out the door and ran as fast as you could to Corona. You noticed that even though you were holding Varian, you couldn't feel him. You didn't feel his warmth or his flesh at all. You also noticed how he was smaller than your new form. You weren't able to think long once the castle was finally on your sights.

"Help!" you cried running up to the gates. "Please! I need to see the princess!" The guards gasped at the sight of Varian and let you through.

"Princess Rapunzel!" you screamed as you barged into the throne room. "Please! Help!"

"Varian?!" Rapunzel said in alarm once she saw the unconscious boy. "(Y/n)?" She looked at you with eyes full of concern.

"I'll explain later," you said. "Please, just help him."

"Okay," Rapunzel said before directing the staff to take care of Varian.

You were sitting quietly outside the door to the room where Varian was. You had never felt so scared in your life. Strangely, you found yourself feeling more scared at the thought of losing Varian more than no longer having a real body.

The night passed on, and you never felt tired. You couldn't eat any of the food the castle staff offered you or feel the carpet on the hall's floor. So many of your sensed had been lost because of this change.

Morning eventually came, and the doctors and assistants came out of the room. They allowed you to finally see Varian. You entered the room to see Varian was asleep on the bed and was completely covered by the sheets.

"Varian?" you said approaching him.

Varian groaned slightly and opened his eyes. "(Y/n)? What happened?" You were about to answer until you saw his arm. He was confused at your reaction and looked down. His eyes widened. His arm was made of metal!

"(Y/n), what happened to us?!" He started freaking out.

"Varian, it's okay," you said sitting next to the bedside.

"Oh my god," Varian said. "I'm so sorry! This is all my fault!"

"Varian," you said placing your hand on his shoulder. "It's gonna be alright. We'll find a way to fix this." Varian didn't say anything, but he gave a simple nod. "I promise we will get our bodies back, no matter what the cost."

This is heavily based on one of my fave animes. I love all of you who know it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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