I'm Here

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Varian tossed and turned on his cot. It was so uncomfortable and near impossible to sleep in this place. Having shackles on his ankles didn't really help.

Suddenly, he heard a key unlocking his cell door. It opened to reveal a few guards and a cloaked figure.

"Varian," one of the guards said. "You have a visitor."

The cloaked figure stepped forward into the cell, and the guards quickly shut the door behind them.

"What do you want?" Varian asked getting up off of his cot.

The cloaked figure didn't answer. They just lifted their hands and lowered the hood of their cloak.

"(Y/n)?" Varian said sounding shocked.

"Varian," you happily said walking toward him and giving him a hug. After a few minutes, you let go and simply sat next to him. "I'm so glad you're unharmed. I came back from Lanoche just yesterday to see Old Corona was deserted an in ruin. There were these black rocks everywhere. Your home was practically destroyed. Then I heard that you had been arrested. I just..." You paused for a moment. "What happened while I was gone?"

Varian stayed silent and didn't look you in the eye. He couldn't imagine what you'd think of him if he told you what he did. He was sure he'd lose you. He couldn't lose you, too.

"Varian?" you said placing your hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Varian suddenly wrapped his arms tightly around your torso and held you as close as he could.

"Varian?" you said confused at his strange behavior.

"You're going to leave me," Varian said.

"What?" you asked.

"They're going to make you hate me and take you away," Varian said.

"Varian," you said nuzzling your head against his. "I could never hate you, and I won't leave you."

"They're going to take you away," Varian said.

"Hey," you said slightly breaking out of his grip and cupping his face. "No one is going to keep me away from you. I lo...care deeply about you."

It was then you noticed that Varian had pulled you onto his lap and had his head on your chest. You chuckled a little and stroked your fingers through his hair. "It's okay," you said. "I'm here."

"C-c-can you stay?" Varian asked sounding like he was on the brink of tears.

You smiled a little and placed a small kiss on his forehead. "Of course," you said. "Anything for you."

The two of you later flat on the cot and cuddled each other until you both felt your eyelids get heavy. You both fell asleep in each other's arms, never letting go. It was the first restful night Varian had had in a long time.

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