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Dark Kingdom AU (I love this AU so much! Someone help me!)

You groaned a little as you started to wake up. You yawned and rubbed your eyes as you got out of bed. You brushed the knots out of your hair and got dressed. 

You opened the door to your room only to see a bouquet of roses on the floor. Your eyes widened in surprise. You picked up the bouquet and smelled the sweet aroma. Flowers were so rare in the Dark Kingdom. You started to wonder who could have given you these. A thought crossed your mind, but you weren't sure. You sighed dreamily and started to search for a black-suited knight.

Varian walked through the many halls of the castle. His dad had assigned him with patrol. He just had to keep a sharp eye out for any intruders. He suddenly heard what sounded like footsteps. He put his back against the wall and was at ready in case this was a foe. He relaxed when he saw it was only you.

"Oh, there you are," you said with a smile once you saw Varian. "I was just wondering...did any chance...leave something at my door this morning?"

"What are you-" Varian stopped mid-sentence when he saw the bouquet of roses. "Where did you get those?"

"You didn't give me these?" you asked. 

"No," Varian said in a slightly darker tone. "But I would like to know who did."

"Maybe they were from a suitor?" you said. 

"Not likely," Varian replied. "If you received these before waking up, they had to come from someone in the castle."

"So, it's a secret admirer?" you said. 

"Apparently so," Varian said clenching his teeth.

"I guess some of the younger butlers have been giving me some looks," you said. 

"Which ones?" Varian asked cracking his knuckles. 

"No need to get carried away," you quickly said. "It's just a few harmless roses. It's not like they tried to kiss me or anything."

"You said they were eyeing you," Varian growled. 

You smiled and shook your head as you wrapped your arms around him. "You don't have to worry," you said. "You know you're the only one for me." Varian broke his stoic expression and posture and wrapped his arms around you as well. 

You giggled a little. You thought he always was so cute when he got jealous.

Sorry, it's  a short one.

Varian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now