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Modern School AU

You walked through the halls at your school. In all honesty, it was probably one of the worst things for in during the school day. All the guys would be staring at you and making kissy faces, while all the girls would be glaring at you. You couldn't help it, though. You were seen as a pretty girl. Even when you tried to look bad everyone still thought you were attractive.

You sighed and continued on with all eyes on you. Suddenly you heard a strange knocking sound. "Hello?" you heard a muffled voice say. "Somebody? Anybody? Please let me out."

You raised your eyebrow at a janitor's closet and opened the door. Immediately, a boy fell onto the floor. "Thanks," he simply said.

"Are you alright?" you asked helping him up. "Why were you in a janitor's closet?"

The boy adjusted strange goggles he had on his head. "Oh, Fitzherbert and his friends threw me in there. It's kind of a routine thing at this point."

"Ugh," you said. "I can't stand those guys. I'm sorry, but what's your name?"

"Oh, Varian," he said outstretching his hand. You took his hand and shook it.

Then you realized something. He wasn't making goo-goo eyes at you. He wasn't flirting with you. He wasn't even blushing at all or stuttering.

"I'm (y/n)," you said.

"Yeah, I know," Varian said with a small laugh. "Everyone knows who you are."

"Right," you said with a small sigh. "Umm, I have a class with you, don't I?"

"Umm, yes," Varian said. "Chemistry."

"That's next period," you said looking ate the clock. "We better hurry, or we'll be late." You grabbed hold of his hand and walked down the hallway. Varian noticed as you two were walking, every guy you passed sent Varian death glares. He gulped a little.

"Here we are," you said once you were in front of the classroom door. That's when you noticed Varian was shaking a little and gripping onto your hand tightly.

"You okay?" you asked in concern.

"Yep," Varian said as if he had snapped out of a trance. "I'm fine. Now, let's go expand our knowledge."

Varian quickly ran into the classroom as you watched with a confused look. You thought for a second before shrugging and walking into the room. Once you sat down at your desk, you noticed Varian sat only a few seats away from you.

"Simmer down, class," Miss Chemburry said stepping behind her desk. She called out attendance with great speed like she always did. "Good. It seems you're all here today. Now, we will be starting a new project." She started to write on the board as the whole class groaned. "Don't worry. It's a project for partners. No one will work alone."

All of the guys in the room looked excited as they aimed their attention at you. You tried to ignore them and focus on Miss Chemburry.

"Now," Miss Chemburry said. "It is time to assign partners." She pulled out a plastic bowl filled with scraps of paper.

"Great," you thought to yourself. "She's assigning by picking names and asking for volunteers." Everyone knew that for some people, this was flattering, and for others, it was humiliating.

"Let's see," Miss Chemburry said as she reached in the bowl and pulled out a name. "Who will volunteer to be Varian's partner."

Nobody raised their hand. Varian slowly sunk in his seat in embarrassment. You were a little confused at this. Sure Varian was viewed as a nerd by pretty much everyone, but he was also the smartest kid in school.

"Me," you said raising your hand. Everyone looked at you with shocked expressions. Even Miss Chemburry looked surprised.

"Well, okay, (y/n)," Miss Chemburry said. "Move your seat, now."

You did as you were told and moved next to Varian. You could see a faint smile appear on his face.

The rest of class, nothing much happened. Everyone else got their partners and got to work. You were really impressed with all the ideas Varian had. You knew he was smart, but you had no idea he was practically a genius.

Class finally ended and you and Varian gathered your stuff to leave. "I'm really impressed," you said as you packed your stuff."

"You are?" Varian asked.

"Yeah," you said. "I had no idea you were this brilliant. I can't wait to see how our project is going to turn out."

"Thanks," Varian said rubbing his neck.

"So," you said looking at him before the two of you left the room. "See you around?"

"Yeah," Varian said as he started to walk down the hallway. You watched him from you locker and sighed.

"Oh no," you turned to see Cassandra standing behind you. "You can't be serious."

"What?" you said.

"You can't be falling for the nerd," Cassandra said.

"Too late," you said twirling your hair.

"Why?" Cassandra asked. "You have every guy at this school at your feet. Why would you settle for that."

"He's different," you said with a dreamy sigh and walked off.

"Oh boy," Cassandra said rolling her eyes.

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