Defend (Heaven Pt. 2)

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Dark Kingdom AU

You stood behind a tree with Varian next to you as Adira talked to those two women outside of their caravan. You didn't know exactly what Adira wanted with them, but you trusted her. 

Varian was extremely on edge, gripping his sword as it rested in his scabbard. You all had only left the Dark Kingdom a few weeks ago, which meant he still felt paranoid about you and your safety.

"Adira looks like she's struggling with them," you said. "Maybe we should help her."

"No," Varian quickly said grabbing your wrist. "We don't know how much of threat these people can be."

You saw the women start to fight with Adira. You ran out from behind the tree with Varian following after you, trying to get you to come back. "Stop!" you exclaimed stepping in front of the women. "We mean you no harm."

"(Y/n)," Adira said. "I asked you to wait with Varian."

"What's going on here?" the woman with short, black hair asked. "Who's this?"

"I'm Princess (y/n)," you said. Varian suddenly stepped in front of you with his sword drawn.

"Who wants to know?" he spat.

"The princess of Corona and her lady-in-waiting," she responded back with just as much venom.

"You're from Corona?" you excitedly asked from over Varian's shoulder. The woman with long, blonde hair eagerly nodded. "That's amazing. I've heard so much about that place, but I've never been able to go there."

"(Y/n)," Varian said making you pause. "You shouldn't be telling these strangers this much information."

"On the contrary," Adira said. "You all will be getting to know each other very well."

"What?" Varian said turning to face her. 

"I will be scouting ahead far into their journey," Adira said. "You two will stay with them." She pushed you two towards them.

"You can't be serious," Varian said crossing his arms. "They are going to where we left."

"Oh, Varian," Adira said with a chuckle rustling his hair. He grumbled and fixed his hair. He hated it when she treated him like a kid."There's nothing to worry about. The both of you are in good hands."

"The both of us?" Varian said. 

"Yeah," Cassandra said holding back laughter. "Don't worry little guy. We'll keep you safe and sound." Varian felt himself snap inside. He tripped Cassandra with a quick swipe of his foot. He drew his sword and had it aimed right at her neck. Cassandra actually looked scared.

"Woah, Varian," you said quickly pulling him back. "Calm down." You rubbed your finger over the three studs in his left ear. Over the years that you had known him, it was one of the few things you could do to calm him down. His breathing calmed as Rapunzel helped a shaken Cassandra back to her feet.

Varian took a deep breath and put the sword back in the scabbard on his back. "Do that again to either of us," Varian said glaring daggers at Cassandra. "I'm leaving scars." Cassandra slightly shook and slowly nodded.

"Watch out for his temper," Adira whispered to Rapunzel and Cassandra. "You'd be surprised what he'll do when he's angry."

"I think we got that," Rapunzel said fearfully as Cassandra nodded.

"Oh, and and another piece of advice," Adira said. Rapunzel and Cassandra looked at her. "Watch how you act around (y/n)." They looked over at you as you hugged Varian and nuzzled his cheek, while he had an arm wrapped around you with a straight face.

"Right," Rapunzel said with a nervous smile. "We'll keep that in mind."

"Great," Adira said turning around. "Good luck."

"Wait," Cassandra said. "You're just leaving them with us?"

"Oh, don't worry," Adira said. "Just don't separate them, and you'll be fine."

"Guys!" Hook Foot exclaimed running up to Rapunzel and Cassandra. 

"Hook Foot?" Rapunzel said. "Where are the others."

"They were taken," Hook Foot said. Rapunzel gasped. 

"We have to find them!" Rapunzel exclaimed. 

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