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"Well?" Lady Caine said crossing her arms expectedly when her men came back.

"No luck, I'm afraid," one of the men said. 

"Unbelievable," Lady Caine said. "A bunch of grown men can't handle a scrawny fourteen-year-old."

"The boy just won't crack," a man said. "We've tried everything. Nothing has worked on him. We might as well give up on the kid."

"Youth is not hard to manipulate," Lady Caine said. "We need the kid's skills. We just have to find a weakness." She smirked and headed towards their captive.  

Varian sat there in total silence. He was bound by his ankles and wrists, tied to a chair, and gagged. He suddenly heard the sound of the door in front of him unlocking. He looked up to see Lady Caine walk through the door. He scowled. 

"Hello, kid," Lady Caine said locking the door behind her. "Now, I'm here to talk business. You've already been a criminal, haven't you?" Varian turned his head away, so he wasn't looking at her. She grabbed hold of his face and made him look at her. "Now, I'm not blaming you. You were just doing what they deserved." She let go of his face and started to circle around him. "You just wanted them to pay because they made you lose your precious daddy. You and and I aren't so different. Don't they deserve to pay for what they did to us?" Varian stayed silent. 

Lady Caine undid his gag. "That should make it easier to respond," she said. Varian still didn't say anything. "Come, now," she said kneeling in front of him. "We're on the same side here. What would it take? What is it you want most? You clearly want something more than just your freedom." Varian seemed to pay a little more attention. "You do want something, don't you? And I have a feeling it's something besides your dad." Varian still stayed silent. "I'll make a deal with you. You agree to join me and my men, and we get what you most desire." Varian seemed interested even though he still didn't speak. "What is it you want most?"

You fidgeted with your fingers as you sat there with Rapunzel, Eugene, Cassandra, Fredric, and Arianna. You still felt anxious about the jailbreak that happened not too long ago. Nearly every criminal escaped, including Lady Caine and her men with Varian. 

"You should calm down, (y/n)," Rapunzel said. "We'll be fine. We've defeated all of them before, and we can do it again."

"I know," you said. "Something just feels off."

"What do you mean by 'off'?" Eugene asked. 

"I don't think Varian left willingly," you said. "I think Lady Caine took him against his will."

"You shouldn't worry," Cassandra said. "Varian has shown to be stronger than he appears. I'm sure he can handle a looney red-head and her band of bone-heads.

"I hope," you said. 

Suddenly, all the windows were busted open as a bunch of men came crashing through them. You all panicked as they grabbed onto you all and held you in place. Cassandra tried to fight them off, but the largest man had her pinned. 

"Well, if it isn't my old enemies," Lady Caine said entering the room. 

"Lady Caine!" everyone exclaimed. 

"What are you doing here?" Rapunzel asked in a demanding way. 

"Oh, don't worry," Lady Caine said. "Im not here to enact revenge today. I'm just here to pick up a package. Boys." 

You panicked as you felt the men tie you up and gag you. You squirmed and tried to get of their grip to no avail. 

"Let her go!" everyone yelled. 

"Sorry," Lady Caine said. "But criminals don't take orders from authority. Let's go!" Lady Caine and her men all left just as quickly as they appeared, taking you with them. 

"(Y/n)!" everyone exclaimed. 

Varian sat there and waited for Lady Caine and her men to come back. He didn't really trust them,  but they offered him a chance to have you back. If they really were going to make that happen, he'd do whatever they asked. 

He heard the door unlocking, and Lady Caine and her men came in. "Package delivered as promised," Lady Caine said as you were carried in. 

"I held up my end of the deal," she said. "So?" She held out her hand. Varian hesitantly shook it. "Good. Looks like we got ourselves a new member of the group. Untie her." The men did as they were told and undid your restraints. "She's all yours." The men flung you at Varian. He caught you before you could stumble and fall. He slightly scowled at the men for handling you so roughly. 

Lady Caine placed a rolled up piece of parchment on a nearby table. "These are the plans for our next act," she said. "I fully expect you to make sure it is foolproof before we act." With that said, she and her men left the room and closed the door behind them. 

"Varian," you said sounding extremely fearful. "What's going-" You stopped mid-sentence as Varian just stared at you and tenderly held your face. "Vari-" You were cut off when Varian softly pressed his lips against yours. You were shocked for a split second before giving in. 

Varian slowly walked backward and sat down on his bed without ever letting you go or breaking the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled you into his lap. He knew he would have to look over Lady Caine's plans, but he just wanted to enjoy your presence right now. All he wanted was you.

Varian x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora