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"(Y/n), this is a bad idea," Rapunzel said as she followed you around the rocks. 

"We don't have a choice, Rapunzel," you said. "Whether we like it or not, we need his help."

"But what if he doesn't agree to help us?" Rapunzel asked. "I mean we are the princesses of Corona. Not you mention you-"

"No," you interrupted. "We are not bringing that up. I know to some of you it looked selfish or mean-spirited, but I was trying to do a favor for Corona and myself."

"But-" Rapunzel tried to say.

"I said we're not brining it up," you sternly said turning away from your big sister and opening the gates that lead to the castle of dark stone. 

Rapunzel shivered in discomfort and fright at the dark architecture of the castle. You didn't pay that much attention to it. You had gotten used to this place after spending so much time with him

You opened the doors to a throne room lit with blue flamed torches. A dark figure sat on a throne on the other side of the room. You slowly approached it with Rapunzel trailing behind you. 

"Well, well, well," the figure said getting up from his throne. "If it isn't the princesses of the sun. To what do I owe this displeasure?"

"We are here on serious business, Varian," you said with a hard expression. 

"Oh, is that so?" Varian said in a mocking tone stroking his hand across your cheek. You smacked his hand away. Varian lightly chuckled. "Let me guess. You need my dark magic for something? That stuff is far too dangerous for a delicate flower."

"This goes beyond anything involving you, me, or Rapunzel," you said. "Something is coming. Something far worse than anything we have ever faced. If you don't help us, everyone on this planet could end up in jeopardy."

"And what is this threat?" Varian asked. 

"Zahn Tiri," you said. 

"Zahn Tiri," Varian said in interest putting a hand to his chin. He slowly started to circle around you. "That won't be an easy foe to defeat. I think I would deserve some sort of reward for helping with this."

"Your reward can be your life," you said. "If Zahn Tiri isn't defeated, he'll surely kill everyone. Even you."

"Need you forget," Varian said with a smirk. "My dark magic can protect me. I could easily protect myself and no one else." You lightly growled. 

Rapunzel nervously laughed and stepped in front of you. "Maybe we could revisit the reward idea. I'm sure we can work something out."

"Yeah," Varian said rolling eyes and pushing Rapunzel out of the way. "I'm sure we can." You crossed your arms and gave him a stern look. "Such as (y/n) keeping the promise she made me."

"Never," you said. 

"Funny you should refuse," Varian said unfazed by your response. "Considering you still carry this around." He opened his closed hand to reveal an elegant silver ring with a large (f/c) diamond on it. You quickly snatched it out of his hand. "So you do still care."

"No," you said. "I just keep it as a reminder to not make the same mistake again."

Varian chuckled. "(Y/n), the only mistake you made was leaving me at the alter. Quite rude and unprofessional you know."

"You know good and well why I left you," you said. "I was doing it for the good of Corona."

"Oh, (y/n)," Varian said shaking his head. "You weren't. You were being selfish. As you know, our marriage would've united the darkness and the light at long last, creating peace throughout the lands."

"That's what you claim," you said. "But you only wanted to marry me so you could take over Corona for yourself. You probably even though of keeping me as some prize trophy."

"(Y/n)," Varian said placing the back of his hand on your cheek as he got closer to you. "We both know that's not the case."

"(Y/n)?" Rapunzel said confused. 

"So you didn't tell her?" Varian said. You didn't look at either of them. "It's sad. You spent so long trying to not be afraid of the darkness. The moment you realized you would marry the prince of darkness, you ran."

"Varian, leave her alone," Rapunzel said catching his attention. Varian let go of you and faced Rapunzel. "Like I said, I'm sure we can work something out."

"Yes," Varian said. "And I've given you my price."

"(Y/n)?" Rapunzel said. You wouldn't look at her. "I can't just force her into it."

"It's her choice," Varian said. "Either she keeps her promise, or I don't help you."

"Why?!" you yelled at him. "Why do you still act like this?! I thought you had changed, but you're no different than you were all those years ago when you tried to destroy Corona! All you ever do is use and manipulate me!" Angry tears started to escape your eyes. "How do you think I felt when I thought I had finally gotten my oldest friend back, only for him to be the prince of darkness itself?!"

Varian grabbed your hand. "And how do you think I felt when the only girl who ever claimed to love me ran away because of something I couldn't help?!" You stood there silent with tears still running down your face as you stared at Varian. He sighed and held your hand with both of his. "(Y/n), the moment I thought I lost you for good, I was heartbroken. You were the only person who tried to always see the light in me no matter what. I never asked to be the prince of darkness. I can't help what I was born into." He had a few tears running down his face now. "After all these years, the only thing I longed for was my precious light: you."

You let more tears escape your eyes as you hugged him, burying your face un his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around you and rested his chin on your head. He had longed for this for so long. To just have you close, to feel your warm embrace, to bask in the soothing feeling of your presence.

"So does this mean we get help?" Rapunzel asked. You and Varian looked at her with unamused looks. "Not a good time? Not a good time. Sorry."

You sighed and saw Varian hold your hand. He held the ring in his other hand and slipped it halfway down your finger. He looked at you as if he was asking for permission. You gave him a gentle smile, and he slipped the ring on fully. You both smiled as you leaned in and kissed for the first time in so many years. 

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