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You and Varian struggled as your tried to support yourselves against each other and walk. You were both pretty badly injured from an ambush. Varian was able to use his power over the moondrop to save your skins at the last minute.

You we're trying to get back to the base to regroup with the others and heal up. You traveled deep into the ruins of Corona until you came across a particular rock and patted a rhythm on it. A door in the ground was opened, and you and Varian quickly made your way down.

Once you made it to the central room of the base, you could see that everyone was there. "(Y/n)! Varian!" Rapunzel happily exclaimed. "It's good to see that you're okay! I was starting to get worried!"

"We're okay," you said. "Had to deal with a small ambush but no big deal."

Cassandra sighed as she sharpened her sword. "Things are getting worse," she said.

"Things just haven't been the same since Zahn Tiri was released," Eugene said.

"We're all that's left of Corona," you said sitting down. "That could eventually change to all that's left of the world. We can't keep living like this forever."

"Well, what exactly do you expect us to do?" the captain said in a rude tone. "We've already tried everything. We might as well be dead."

"Watch your tongue," Varian said.

"Don't you back-talk me," the captain said getting up.

"I'll back-talk you as much as I want," Varian said. "This is the end of the world, so I suggest you actually think about the things that matter and not discourage the only people you have left around you." Varian sat down with a huff next to you and wrapped an arm around you.

The captain didn't say a word. He just sat down.

Everyone remained silent for a while. You all just stared at the fire thinking about what to do. So many people had been killed. The land was dead, too. Zahn Tiri's minions roamed everywhere. You were all forced to hide underground just to have a chance at survival.

Rapunzel's powers had protected you all from the attack that started it all. After that, nothing was the same. You lost your home and family. Everything was gone.

"Will things ever get better?" you asked to no one in particular.

"What do you mean?" Varian asked.

"Will we ever get our old lives back?" you asked. "Will we ever have our home back? Will Zahn Tiri ever be defeated again?"

"Shh," Varian said putting a finger to your mouth. "You're getting carried away with yourself." You laid your head on his chest and he held you close. "I know things seem pretty bad now, but I know from experience that if there is evil, good will stand up against it. All we can do is never give up and keep going. The future is uncertain, but all we can do is hope and try."

You sighed a little and snuggled into Varian a little more. You were glad at the very least that he survived with you. You were okay with the others, but you had always been the closest with Varian.

You hoped that you'd both be able to survive this. You hoped that things would get better. You continued to hope like Varian said.

You felt your eyelids start to get heavy, and you fell asleep leaning against Varian. He smiled down and your sleeping form and stroked his fingers through your hair. "Things will get better," he said under his breath. He planted a kiss on your forehead and let sleep overtake him as well.

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