Healthy Start

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You were skipping along the patches of wildflowers. You had just turned five yesterday, and your parents let you have a little time to roam free.

You had always loved flowers. You loved the way they smelled, how they came in all different colors, and just how much they added to nature.

You stopped to admire some of the flowers when you heard a strange noise. "Hello?" you said turning around. "Is someone there?"

You walked towards a tree and looked behind it. You could see a boy your age with his back up against the tree as if he was trying to hide.

"Hello," you said.

"Ahh!" he exclaimed and waved his arms.

You giggled a little. "Who are you?"

"Me?" the boy said pointing to himself. "Oh I, uh, I'm..."

"Oh, look!" you happily exclaimed getting down on your knees and looking closely at a flower. "A little bee."

"Bee?!" the boy exclaimed taking hold of you and pulling you away. "Stay away from that evil creature!"

"But bees aren't bad," you said getting out of his grip. "Bees give us the lovely flowers."

"It'll sting you!" the boy exclaimed.

"No," you simply said shaking your head. "It wouldn't." You stood in front of the flower and watched as the bee flew right by you. "See?"

The boy got nervous and backed up as the bee got closer to him. He suddenly stumbled and tripped over a tree root, landing on his back. "Ow," he softly said.

You walked over to him laughing a little. "Are you okay?"

The boy blew off some petals that landed on his face. "Lovely," he said.

You couldn't hold back your laughs. He started to laugh as well. You suddenly felt him grip your wrist and pull you down. You landed on top of him then you both started to roll down a small hill. You both laughed the whole way down.

Once you finally reached the bottom, you were on top of they boy again and your hair had all sorts of flowers and petals stuck in it.

"You're fun," you said as you continued laughing and got up. You offered the boy your hand to help him up. "I'm (y/n)."

"I'm Varian," he said as he took hold of your hand and got up.

The rest became history.

Varian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now