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"Are you sure this is safe?" you asked as you watched Varian mix various chemicals. 

"Don't worry," he said. "This is all perfectly fine." Suddenly, you saw one of the compounds on a vile was glowing. "Uh, Varian?" you said nervously. 

"Oh no," Varian said. Before either of you could react, the compound exploded and red and green mist was sent your way. You were hit by the red mist, and Varian was hit by the green mist. You fell to the floor and got knocked out. 

You groaned a little and tried to get up. Something felt weird. All of your clothes felt way too tight. Your hair felt longer. Plus, it felt slightly harder for you to stand up as if you had more weight to lift up. "Ugh," you said rubbing your head. "What happened?" You looked down and was shocked to see that you didn't have the body of a teenager but a young woman. 

"Varian?" you said looking around in worry. 

"Down here," you heard a familiar voice say. You looked down too see a small pile of clothes and a small lump underneath. You rose a brown and kneeled down. You pulled the shirt back a bit and saw a small boy with black hair and a blue streak. 

"Varian?" you said. 

"Yeah," he said with a sigh. You picked him up while keeping his shirt wrapped around him. 

"What happened to us?" you asked extremely alarmed. 

"Well," Varian said. "Obviously, this compound didn't work like I hoped it would, but there is no need to worry. I should be able to make an antidote easily."

"Oh, that's a relief," you said placing Varian in front of his notes. 

"Uh oh," he said. 

"Uh oh?" you said. "There shouldn't be an 'uh oh'. Why is there an 'uh oh'?"

"It seems that I'm missing a couple chemicals that I need to make the antidote," he said. 

"Uh oh," you said. "What do we do?"

"We're going to have to go to Corona to get what we need," Varian said. 

"Go to Corona?" you said. "While we're like this?"

"It's okay," Varian said. "No one should be able to recognize us while we're like this."

"But I can't go out like this," you said pointing to your extremely tight clothes. "these are way too small for me. They're barely covering me."

Varian put a finger to his mouth for a moment as he thought. "I think one or two of my mom's outfits might still be here."

"Why would those still be here?" you asked. 

"I don't know," Varian said. "Sentimental reasons, maybe?"

You sighed and picked Varian up as you headed for where he said the clothes were. After a minute, your chest felt a little wet. 

"Varian," you said. "You're drooling."

"Oh," Varian said quickly wiping his mouth. "Sorry." He had a hard time with your breast pressed up against his small form. 

"Okay," you said placing Varian down as you searched for clothes. You were able to find a dress and started to take your shirt off. "Varian," you said with an annoyed sigh. "I can tell when you're staring. Please, let me have a little privacy."

"Sorry!" Varian exclaimed with his cheeks turning red as he covered his eyes. You sighed again as you got your clothes off and slipped on the dress. You grabbed a nearby blanket and walked back over to Varian. You carefully wrapped him in the blanket and removed his oversized shirt at the same time, to let him keep a little dignity. 

"Well," you said. "Let's hope Corona has what we need."

It was a long walk, but after a while, you finally arrived in Corona. "Okay, Varian," you said. "What do we-" You paused when you saw that Varian was asleep and had his thumb in his mouth. "Varian." You shook him a little. "Varian"

"Huh, what?" Varian said waking up. 

"Why are you sucking your thumb?" you asked. 

"Why am I what?" Varian said. He quickly pulled his thumb out of his mouth. Being in this young form is probably starting to mess with my brain function."

"We better get moving, then," you said walking into town. 

For the most part, the two of you were successful in finding what you needed. There was only one thing left that you had to get. Suddenly, you bumped into a familiar blonde-haired girl. 

"Hello!" Rapunzel said with a cheerful smile and wave. 

"Um, hi," you said nervously. 

"I don't think I've seen you around here before," Rapunzel said. "What's your name?"

"Um..." you said. "Samantha."

"That's a nice name," Rapunzel said. She suddenly gasped. "Aww. And who is this little guy?"

"Oh, uh," you said. "Jamie. Little Jamie." You patted Varian's head as you said so.

"Oh, he's so cute," Rapunzel said. "I bet you are a wonderful mother. Well, I have to go. See you later, Samantha."

"Bye," you said with a wave as  Rapunzel walked away. 

"Phew," you said wiping imaginary sweat from your head. "That was close. We should get going." 

You quickly got the last thing you need for the antidote and went back to Old Corona as fast as you could. Varian lead you through the steps of making the antidote as best as he could. Now, there was only one step left. 

"Okay, Varian," you said. "What now?" There wasn't a response. "Varian?" You heard baby sounds. "Oh no." You looked over at Varian he was gone. He had completely switched into infant mode. 

"Okay, (y/n)," you said trying to stay calm. "It's up to you now." You looked at what you had left. You were so unsure about what you had to do for the last step. Varian's notes were way too complex for you to understand. You panicked and looked at what materials you had left. You went with your git and poured a blue compound into the beaker. It started to glow. Your eyes widened, and you quickly grabbed Varian just as the compound exploded and mist hit the both of you. You feel onto the floor, momentarily being knocked out. 

You groaned a little as you cracked an eye open. It felt like something was weighing you down. As your vision cleared, you could see familiar blue eyes, freckles, and black hair with a blue streak. "Varian!" you happily exclaimed embracing him. "We're back to normal!"

"Woah!" Varian exclaimed as he kept the blanket close to hide his form. You laughed a little as you had to hold on to the oversized dress to keep yourself hidden. You both just laughed and hugged. 

You froze when you heard the door to the lab open. You both looked over to se Quirin looking at the two of you with wide eyes. Walking in on you two to see you half-naked and hugging was giving him the wrong idea about the situation. 

"Sorry for interrupting," he said stepping back and closing the door. You and Varian both blushed as you wondered what went through Quirin's head. 

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