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"Good morning," Varian said sitting down next to you at the table. 

"Huh?" you said blinking your eyes quickly. "What? Oh, hi, Vari-" You stopped mid-sentence as you tried to stop your heavy eyelids from closing only to collapse on the table. 

"Uh, (y/n)?" Varian said tapping your shoulder. 

"Huh?" you said quickly getting up. 

"Did you not sleep last night?" Varian asked. 

"What?" you said forcing a laugh. "Of course I slept." You yawned. "Whoever would you think I didn't?"

"Was the nightmare again?" Varian asked. 

"Nightmare?" you said trying to sound innocent. "What nightmare? It was nothing but pleasant dreams all night long."

"(Y/n)," Varian said sternly. "You can't ignore this. You may have only been here for three weeks, but it seems every night since we found you, you've been having nightmares."

"You shouldn't worry about it," you said. "You and your dad have already given shelter and food. I can't ask you to get involved with anything else."

"Why?" Varian asked. 

"It could be dangerous," you said. 

"What?" Varian said confused. 

"When you and your dad found me, you said I was wearing a strange necklace, right?" you said. 

"Yes," Varian said. 

"And when I spent my first night here, it was gone by morning," you said. 

"Yes," Varian said. "But we can surely find it."

"You have searched the entire house several times over for all these weeks," you said. "Besides, that would only work if was lost, not stolen."

"Stolen?" Varian said confused. "You're saying someone stole your necklace."

"More like something," you said. "A great unknown evil."

"What are you talking about?" Varian said confused. 

You closed your eyes and slowly shook your head. "Nothing," you said. "Just nightmares."

Varian watched you with a concerned expression as you got up and left the room. 

Later that night, Varian tried to get some sleep, but he couldn't. He still felt concerned about you with your nightmares and the crazy conversation the twi of you had earlier. He closed his eyes and was about to let sleep overtake him when he heard a loud sound. He sat up in bed confused until he heard it again.

Varian quickly hopped out of his bed and dashed for your room. He tried open the door only for it to be stuck. He pushed with all his might, but it still wouldn't budge. He stepped back and charged at the door, knocking it down. 

Varian's jaw dropped at what he saw. You were floating above your bed moaning. Things in the room were swirling all around you. Your eyes glowed a bright red. He could even tel you were almost saying something in some strange language. 

Varian suddenly saw a dark silhouetted hand reach for you. "(Y/n)!" he exclaimed running up to you and trying to pull you back to the ground. The hand flenched but reached back for you again. "Leave her alone!" Varian cried out stepping infant of you. The hand came in contact with Varian, and an inhuman screech sounded off. Everything around the two of your freezer for a moment before there was a bright flash. You fell onto your bed with Varian. 

"(Y/n)," Varian said quickly getting your attention. "Are you okay?"

"I think so," you said. 

"What was all that?" Varian asked. 

"Great unspoken evil," you barely whispered. 

"Why was it here? What does it want?" Varian asked getting more scared by the second. 

"My soul," you said. 

"Your soul?" Varian asked confused. 

"I have an unspoken darkness in me," you said. "I've tried so long to control it, but the only thing that ever did me good was my necklace. It protected me from all evil, whether it be external or internal."

"What's causing all this?" Varian asked. 

"The great beast," you said. "The overlord of everything unholy. He longs to have his spouse and gain power beyond anyone's comprehension."

"His spouse?" Varian said. "You don't mean..." You nodded your head. "No."

"Yes," you said. "I am the daughter of the devil."

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