Pain and Agony

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"There it is," Rapunzel said approaching the display. "The flower."

Your eyes widened in surprise, and you stepped forward. Your grabbed the flower and stuffed it in your bag.

"(Y/n)," Rapunzel said slightly shocked.

You ignored her and started to walk away.

"(Y/n), wait," Rapunzel said grabbing onto the strap of your bag and holding you in place. "You said you were just going to take one petal.

"But what if one petal isn't enough to harvest what I need?!" you exclaimed.

"(Y/n)," Rapunzel said furrowing her eyebrows.

"What difference does it make?!" you exclaimed. "It's just sitting here rotting away anyway." You tugged your bag out of Rapunzel's grip, but a flask fell out.

"That flask," Rapunzel said picking it up. "That had Xavier's mood potion in it. You quickly swiped it out of Rapunzel's hands. "(Y/n), that stuff is dangerous! You shouldn't be fooling with it!"

"There was just one drop left," you said with a smug grin. "But there was just enough to replicate and modify. Varian's notes are surprisingly understandable. I had to be sure the flower was here."

"So, you made a truth serum and gave it to everyone?" Rapunzel asked.

You chuckled a little. "You'd be surprised what people will tell you for a cookie.

Rapunzel gasped. "Pete? Stan? (Y/n), how could you?"

"Oh, do you honestly expect me to be worried about the welfare of Corona?" you sarcastically said.

"But, you said--" Rapunzel tried to say.

"Rapunzel," you interrupted. "I used you. Think o it as the first part of your payback. It doesn't feel so good being used, does it?"

"What are you--" Rapunzel tried to ask.

"Varian," you said. "You used him. All of you used him. From the moment you came into his life you've treated no differently than a toy you divided to play with only to throw it away a few minutes later. None of you ever kept a promise with him. Eugene broke his promise to secrecy. Varian did all of Cassandra's work for a day, so she could pull off guard duty. How did she repay him? By ditching on being his assistant like she promised, so she could focus on her own ambition. Then, there's you, sweet innocent Rapunzel. You promised Varian that you'd help him and no bad would happen. I can begging for help when his life was on the line, and what did you do? Nothing. You did nothing! Not even after the snow storm had passed or your parents had returned did you ever come to Old Corona to see if he was okay! After everything he did for you, you abandoned him in his greatest time of need! The least I can do is make all of you feel the same amount of pain and agony you have caused him!"

The doors suddenly swung open with Eugene, Cassandra and some guards running in.

"There she is!" Eugene exclaimed. "Get her!"

You threw a smoke bomb and slipped past everyone. "(Y/n)!" you heard Rapinzel yell, but you didn't turn back. You kept o running and running until you made it back to Old Corona.

You burst through the door of Varian's lab and placed your bag on a table. "I got it, Varian!" you happily said pulling the flower out of the bag and showing it in front of the encased boy. "I got the flower! You're gonna be free soon!"

You plucked a petal, put it in a bowl, and ground it up. You walked over to the dill you made from Varian's blueprints and spread the ground flower on the sharp tip. You started up the machine and started to drill into the amber.

"Work! Work!" you said. "Please, work!" The drill busted. You stood back shocked and took some deep breaths. "No. No. No, no, no!" You tipped over the drill and threw all of Varian's notes off of a table.

"This was supposed to work!" you yelled and placed your hands over Varian's face frozen in fear and agony. "This was supposed to end your pain!" You leaned against the Amber and let a few tears escape your eyes.

"Wait a minute," you said directing your attention to some of Varian's notes on Rapunzel. "The sundrop..." you picked up the withered flower. "It isn't the flower anymore." You crushed the flower in your hand. "It's Rapunzel!"

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